sleepover at the palace

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( Small amount of mature content but not a lot, if you don't like that type of stuff feel free to skip it )


I've been waiting for what feels like forever for Simon to arrive. He's sleeping over tonight and I'm so excited to see him but the worst part is we can't sleep in the same bed.

Simon now has his own room in the palace for when he sleeps over, we can hang out and be together but when we are going to bed we have to be separated. It's been like this ever since two of the guards caught me and Simon in the middle of a very heated kiss..

                                     (No pov)

The boys walk into Wilhelms room backwards in a kiss filled with urgency. Wilhelm gripped the edge of Simons shirt and pulled over his head as Simon did the same to him.

Simon backed Wille up to sit down on bed as he straddled his waist. "Wille please." Simon said in the middle of the kiss.

Wilhelm started to unbutton his own pants as Simon did the same.

Simon started kissing down Wilhelms neck leaving reddish colored marks behind.

"Crown prince can we ta- oh." malin opened the door causing the boys to fly off of eachother.


The doorbell brought me out of my thoughts. "Crown prince, Simon is here!" One of the guards yell out to me. "Coming!" I replied fast walking down the hallway to the front door.

I opened the door to be greeted to my boyfriends face. "Hi." I said "hey" he replied bringing his arms around my neck to hug me.

"Come on let's go back to your room." He said breaking away from the hug, I picked up his bags and we started walking down the long halls to my rooms.

I dropped his two bags in the corner of my room and come back to sit on the bed next to him. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked. "What about a movie?" Simon said with a small smile on his face. "Sounds good to me" i agreed.

I scooted back to the back of my bed to sit comfortably and lifted up my blanket to invite Simon under it with me. We clicked Netflix and put on Call me by your name.

Couple of hours later

We were both exhausted and ready to go to bed, we wanted to stay in my room but knew we had to go to our separate rooms or else Mom wouldn't let Simon sleepover anymore.

Simon sat up and walked over to his backpack, he grabbed the one blanket that he always brings with him when he stays over and walked over to me.

"I love you, I'll see you in the morning." He said kissing my forehead. "See you in the morning. I love you." I said softly. He blew me multiple kisses as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

I sighed and rolled over on my back, already wishing he didn't have to leave.

After about almost an hour and a half of trying to sleep I just couldn't. I texted Simon but I got no response meaning he was most likely asleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep without him tonight. I yawned as I slowly stood up and started grabbing my things.

I had my blanket, pillow and phone all in one arm and I tried to open the door as quietly as possible, but as soon as I closed the door and started making my way to Simons room everything fell out of my arms. My phone making a loud noise when it hit the ground. "Shit!" I whisper yelled to myself.

I quickly picked up the pillow and my phone and I didn't bother to pick up my blanket fully so it now trails behind me. I continue to make my way to Simons room.

I slowly opened his door to reveal him sleeping while his arms are wrapped around a pillow, his hair sprawled out onto the pillow. The tv is turned down low with what looks like some old black and white film.

I placed my blanket and pillow down next to him carefully and picked up the covers to slide underneath them.

Simon must've felt the bed dip because as soon as I got into the bed he let go of the pillow and turned around and wrapped his arms around me instead and his face formed a small smile in his sleep.

I didn't care if my mom found us in the morning, this was the only way I could sleep good.

I wrapped my arms around Simons back and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head. I ended up dozing off within the next 10 minutes.

Word count - 847

Thank you for all the support of this! I love writing these for you guys I just struggle a lot with stories haha, I'll take requested so feel free to leave some in the comments❤️

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