the end after the end?

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- this is a continuation of the ending of young royals season 3!


i fucking did it.

I finally had to courage to tell my mother that I didn't really want much to do with the royal family, and she wasn't mad.. Or at least i think?

August and i are on better terms but there is still a ways to go intill i can fully trust him again.

All that matters in this moment right now is im with Simon.

and we're in a car?

That thought brings me back to reality.

"Sara, where are we going exactly?" I ask from my seat behind hers.

"Um.." she pauses for a second and gazes out the window "new york?" She says and turns her head to felice. "Yeah i still have everyones ticket we can use them." Felice says nonchalantly.

I turn my head to Simon whos hand is still in mine and he shrugs.

"Okay then" i sit back and pull my phone out to send a quick message my mother


wilhelm- hi, going to ny with simon, sara and felice.

mama- ok.


As expected honestly. I didn't expect her to truly care because she knows i would go no matter what.

I close my phone and look down at me and Simons intertwined hands in between us in the backseat of Saras car. I smile and look up at Simons but when i do he's already looking at me. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit as his do aswell.

I squeeze his hand and pull him towards me and he accepts and nuzzles in to my side, his head on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around me.


"Guys come on get up, get your stuff together" Felice says as she gets out of the car and goes around to my side of the car. I haven't picked my head up yet so it does seem like im still sleeping.

She grabs the door and my arm that i was resting my head on slide off the door as she pulls it open. I catch myself before i fully lose my balance and fall out the door.

I turn down to Simon who is still fast asleep with his head on my right thigh. "Get him up please wille our flight leaves at 7:30." Felice says and then walks to the back of the car to open the trunk. I pull my wrist up to my face to check the time, 6:30.

"Simon, we're at the airport" "i know, im up." He turns to face me "was hoping you would let me sleep longerrrr" he drags out the last word while laughing.

"Guys!" "Come on we have to check through security we don't want to miss it" felice and sara say st the same time to us from behind the car.

"Okay lets go" i laugh and grab Simons hand and drag him out of the car towards the airport.


"Hello! Drive your fucking car!" "GO GO!" I jump awake to Sara and Felices yelling out the window. Saras one arm is out the window waving at the person infront of us and Felice has half of her body out the window just yelling.

Its been a little bit since we got off the plane but the time change is messing with my head. It was 7:30 in when we left, the sun was setting. Now in NYC it's bright out. (hoping this is kinda right, im not too good with time zones😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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