Decorations ♡

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Wilhelms POV:

"Babe its been for ever now when will you be home?" I ask through my phone that sits on the kitchen counter.

"Soon don't worry i just had to make a few stops.."

"A few.." i repeated back at him. He definitely went to more than a few stores

"Yeah alright ill see you soon, i love you bye" then the phone call ends.

I let out a huff of air and go to the couch to sit down, setting my glass of coffee down of the side table.

Its been about 10 months since me and Simon moved into our new home and it feels incredible not having to worry about anybody barging in or invading our personal space.

We graduated last year and we couldn't wait any longer to get our own home.

Simon has always loved christmas, mainly the decorating part, and I think he might be out right now getting our own decorations for the house..

With they way my family is we never really had that true christmas joy in our household. My parents would have the workers decorate the palace. If i had ever offered to help them I would be denied right away.

Even though my parents have come a long way accepting me for who i am and acting more as parents, little things like that still haven't changed.

As im thinking about it all my mind slowly goes dark and i drift off to sleep, leaving my full warm cup of coffee sitting on the table beside me.


2 hours later.


My eyes shoot open when i hear a banging on the front door.

when did i even fall asleep?

My heads foggy as i stand to answer the door.

"Im coming alright?" I respond quickly as the banging continues

I peel open the door and im met with simons face. He's holding over 13 bags full of what looks like lights, ornaments and much more.

His foot was banging the door and as i opened it he was about to bang again, so opening the door caused him to trip forward towards me.

"Woah, hi are you okay?" I ask quickly as i catch his shoulders in my hands

"Hi im alright would you mind helping me?" He asks with a slight embarrassed look on his face.

I nod, of course. I move to the side so he can get past me. Once he is i step out front and almost trip myself because there is about a 6 and a half foot christmas tree box on our sidewalk.

"Oh my god" i mumble to myself and i attempt to pick this up.


It took a bit but the christmas tree is in the house and already set up.

As soon as i brought the christmas tree into the house Simon was already changed out of his jeans into sweatpants and ready to put the tree up.

I laughed at him and started to help pull a pack of ornaments out of a plastic shopping bag.



Seeing Wilhelms face as we decorate this tree is making my entire year. I've never seen him this happy just decorating a house for the holidays.

For me it's quite the same, besides it being with Wille and not my mom and sarah, but for him it's like uncharted territory. He has never experienced true Christmas joy. Decorating the house, hanging crafted ornaments from when you were a kid up on the tree.

"Hey, you ok?"

I didn't even realize I was staring silently intill Wilhelm is in front of me now and not in front of the tree trying to get the star on top.

I blink twice before I respond, my eyes a bit teary.

"Uh yeah sorry just zoned out i guess" i laugh and turn my back to him to occupy myself with open the box full of flowers i got to go into the tree.

"Okay" he replies and goes towards a bag that I completely had forgotten i got.

"Whats this?" He turns around to face me holding a kids ornament decoration box with multiple paints and glitters.

"thought it might be fun since you have never done it before" i shrug

"Its cute i love it, can we do it now?" He asks

"Lets finish the tree first then we can" i respond and he nods

30 mins later


I am exhausted.

I didn't realize decorating a Christmas tree had so many steps to it.

Put together the three separate parts of the tree, put lights on, ornaments, the star, and whatever else Simon bought at the store.

It was also more work for me because I was the one who had to put the ornaments on the upper half of the tree because Simon couldn't reach.

Oh and don't forget the fake snow that I had to vacuum up because it was everywhere.

"What about The Grinch?" Simon asks from the living room.

"Absolutely not" I quickly reply, stirring hot chocolate mix into the warm milk.



"Home Alone?"

"Sure"  I shrug even though i know he can't see me

"Wait really?" He says from the living room.

"Yeah really" i respond now turning into the living room with two warm mugs in my hands filled to the brim with marshmallows.

"Ready?" He smiles up at me

"Yup" I set the mugs down and sit beside him on the floor full of pillows and blankets

Theres a table in front of use filled with about 4 ornaments and paints.

Simon moves next to me to be flush up against my side.

I lift my arm so he can wrap his arms around my torso.

"Can we just cuddle and watch the movie for a bit?

"Of course" I lean back and rest my head against Simons

After a bit of silence besides the tv playing Home Alone I decide to speak.

"Thank you for today. It meant so much to me"


I pick my head up to look at him and he is completely asleep on my chest.

I peck his forehead and put my head back where it was.

word count - 1076


I'm so so sorry I haven't uploaded anything in ages!! I've had absolutely no motivation to do anything but i wanted to get this out before Christmas. I apologize if there is any spelling mistakes. I love you all, happy holidays🫶🏻

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