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This was suggested by XuT6900  thank you!!

This was suggested by XuT6900  thank you!!

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"Mom this is why I never come back to the palace! I say as I slam my fist onto my mothers desk, the chain behind me rolls backwards from how fast I had stood up.

"Wilhelm you have to understand, I know you made the statement but this silly relationship with this boy isn't going to last! You're going to marry a woman, that's how me and your father planned it for you " my mom says looking at me with a hint of disgust

It's been over 3 months since I revealed it was me in the video and my mother still doesn't get that I don't wanna marry a woman.

"Why do you not care what I want? It's my life mom not yours! You can't just throw me around. He also has a name you know? I don't see myself without him! I love him." I say sternly to my mother and she grimaces when I said that I loved him.

I give her one last look and turn around to storm out of her office. I'm walking down the halls of this obnoxiously big castle.

I make it to my room and as soon as I shut the door my breathing quickens. I take my hoodie off which leaves me in just my t-shirt.

Im rubbing my chest but nothings helping. I go over to my window to breath in the cold winter air outside hoping it would help, but it doesn't.

I grab my phone from my backpack and quickly dial Simons number.


" ha uno!" I yell as I put down a card on the deck of uno me, Sara and our mom are playing.

"Nooo Simon this is the 3rd round you've won! Go easy on us" Sara whines

"Haha never!" I laugh and give her an evil smile.

"It's okay Sara we've got time to beat him. We'll play all night if we have t-" my phone ringing cuts my mom off.

I pick up my phone and see a call from Wille, something doesn't seem right.. " sorry guys I have to take this it's Wille. I'll be right back." I say as I walk back to my room.

"Hey Wille, It's early and I thought you were in a meeting with your mom? Everything okay?" I ask as soon as I answer the phone

All I hear in return is heavy breathing and I automatically know something has happened.

"Listen Wille i'm gonna get my mom to take me there okay? Breathe baby it's gonna be okay, I love you see you soon" I reassure him and hang up the phone.

I storm out of my room and ramble to my mom "mama can you please take me to the palace? like now? Wille needs me there."

"Uhm yeah let me get my car keys" she says as she gets up to throw a jacket and shoes on.

My phone vibrates.

please be quick.

I'm on my way love.

I feel so bad for him. He doesn't deserve any of this.

"Simon ready?" My mom says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah let's go"



Im sitting on my bed wrapping up in a blanket silently crying. None of it makes sense, why can't my mom just be supportive? I don't get it. I did nothing to deserve this.

My phone vibrates and I quickly grab it knowing who it is.

I'm here

As soon I read the message I heard a knock from my window. I turn over in my bed and see Simon looking at me through the glass with a small sad smile. I get up and go to let him in.

"Hey.." Simon says as soon as I slide the window open.

He steps into my room I engulf him in a hug, he wraps his arms around me right after. I soon break drown into his arms.

"Simon I just don't get it, why can't she support me? I'm her son." My breathing picks up again as I cry into his shoulder, most likely wetting his sweatshirt but i couldn't care less.

"It's okay, we're gonna be okay." He reassures me and massages the back of my head that's in his shoulder. After time my breathing slowly slows down and back to normal.

"Come on let's go on the bed" he says and pulls away and starts making his way to the bed to the bed while I follow shortly behind him.

He gets in first and pulls the comforter up and pats the spot next to him, but I don't lay next to him I lay more on top of him.

He wraps his one arm around my back and the other holds my hand that's on top of his chest.

Im so worn out after this day, the crying, the fighting all of it. Im ready to sleep but the only reason I'm able to is because of Simon.

"Thank you for coming Simon, i'm so happy your here." I say pulling myself up to kiss his on his cheek.

"Of course, I'm always here. Get some sleep, I love you"  he whispers to me

"I love you" I say before drifting off into a nice sleep. With the person I love the most.

We'll be okay.

Word count -902

Wilhelm and Simon one shots Where stories live. Discover now