easter <3

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"He did kill him."

A gasp fell from both of our lips. Me and Simon were currently curled up in his bed watching 13 reasons why. One of our favorite shows.

It was Easter morning and I had slept over the night before. Some of Simons family is coming from
Venezuela and other parts of Sweden for Easter weekend.

To be honest I was so so nervous.

This would be the first time I would properly be meeting Simons family. Not even like just his grandparents.. it's like half the family.

I brought myself out of my thoughts and moved my head from Simons shoulder to his chest and continued watching the show. 


" boys everyone's here!!"

I sat up, startled by the sudden shouting. Im not prepared for this at all.

I turn to Simon who's still fast asleep by my side, I wipe my tired eyes and begin to wake him up.

"Simon, babe we have to get up your family's here." I whispered and then kissed his cheek.

"Five more minutes please.." he whines and shuffles closer and digs his forehead into my hand that I am currently holding myself up with on the bed.

"We have to get up you're family is here, I'm nervous and wish to stay in bed aswell but I wanna make a good first impression" I say and bring my other hand up to his head to run my fingers through his soft brown curls.

"What if we just hide?" He giggles and pulls me down next to him and throws the blanket over both of our heads.

"Ahh! Noo! Let me out!" I laugh as he continues to hold the blanket on top of us without letting us out.

Our laughing continues intill it abruptly stops when we hear his door open and chatter from what sounds like an older woman.

"Oh my! What is happening? Oh my god I'm so sorry." We hear her footsteps leave and as soon as we do Simon pulls back the blanket with a shocked face.

"So much for a good first impression" I say putting my head into my hands holding back a laugh.

"Don't worry I got this, they love me. Be right back" Simon replies, gives me a quick peck on the lips and runs off and out of his room and I hear him in the kitchen say something along the lines of "it wasn't what it looked like I swear!"

I let out a breath and stand up out of bed to start to look a little more like I didn't just roll out of bed.


As Im walking into the kitchen I hear woman, men and children chatting.

I walk in and immediately start looking for Simon, already anxious in the crowd of people in the tiny house.

He catches my eye and waves me over to him.

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I make my way towards him and I notice some of his family member looking at me as I walk by.

"Oh my goodness!! Simon is this Wilhelm? Who you've been telling us so much about?" a woman says who I'm assuming is maybe an aunt of Simons?..

Wilhelm and Simon one shots Where stories live. Discover now