beach :)

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"Mom please! Don't you get it? I'm gonna be miserable the whole time if you don't let Simon go." I pleaded to my mother

"Wilhelm this is fo-" my mom starts to speak but I quickly cut her off "no! Please don't start with the 'this is only for the royals' bullshit please mom just let him come." " Wilhelm language!" She scolds me. I throw my hands up looking at my mom trying to decipher any sort of emotion in her face, but it was blank as always.

She huffs and sits back in the dining chair and takes a sip of her coffee. She turns her head over to my dad and gives him a questioning look.

He looks at me then back at her and shrugs "I don't mind" he says

my mom throws her hand up in defeat and looks back to me "whatever Wilhelm it's fine but he better get his stuff together, we leave in 2 and a half hours"

"Really? Thank you, thank you!" I smiled, mainly at my dad. He's basically the reason my mom had said yes.

I turned around and started heading up the stairs to my room. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and immediately texted Simon.

Simon! You can go!! We leave at 3 so get packed :)

Yay okay! I'll pack my stuff will your guards pick me or up or should my mom drive?

The guards will get you at around 2:45 I'm pretty sure

Okkkk I'll see you soon<3

I close my phone and flop onto my bed, letting out a long sigh. I soon remember I haven't even begun packing yet either...



"Mom I promise to call and text all the time!" I whine to my mother, the car holding Wilhelm and his parents already being out front.

"Ok honey I promise you can go now I love you, you have everything right?" She asks for the 5th time, and I let out a sigh "yup Im pretty sure I do I love you guys" I exclaim while hugging her one final time then turning to Sarah,giving her a hug too. "don't cause any trouble" I whisper in her ear,causing her to let out a laugh.

I pull away from the hug and taking a step towards the door " I love you guys ok? I'll see you soon!" I walk out the door and shut it behind me, then begin walking to the big black car that sits in-front of my house.

Wilhelm sees my out of the corner of his eye and immediately moves to open the door. "Hi" he smiles and takes my two bags from me. "Hi, thank you."

I hop into the car and greet his parents. "Good evening, I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you waiting my mom just wanted to make sure I had everything."I politely smile but I just feel slightly judged the whole time. she lets out a sigh. "hello Simon." She then says with a straight face and then her husband turn to me "hi Simon! How are you?" he smiles at me,a genuine smile. "I'm good!"

I sat down next to Wilhelm and pulled out my phone. The drive was about 5 hours so I needed to entertain myself somehow.

After a while I felt Wilhelm head fall to my shoulder, I turn to him and his hand is open on his lap, his phone is just sitting in his palm. I move slowly trying not to wake him up, and grab his phone and turn it off. I set it down next to me and put my head on top of his. I feel his hand grab mine and he nuzzles his head further into my neck.

I see the queen look at us and cringe out of the corner of my eye but I choose to ignore it.


Wilhelm and Simon one shots Where stories live. Discover now