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It's Monday morning and I'm woken up by loud alarm clock, blaring the typical wake up music in my ears.

I slam my hand down on top of it to shut it off and then throw the blankets back over my head and roll over in my small twin sized bed.

As I'm about to drift off to sleep I remember I was supposed to meet Simon at his bus stop.

"Shit shit shit!" I say to myself as I get up to find an outfit quickly.

I throw on my typical sweater with jeans, the sweater is smaller than usual though since it's Simons.
I quickly smile at myself in the mirror, grab my phone and head out the door.

I check the time and it's 8:06, Simons bus arrived 6 minutes ago. I'll just have to explain what happened and why I'm late.


I arrive at the bus stop and Simon is nowhere to be seen,  i pull my phone out of my back pocket and dial Simons number, no answer. I curse myself for being so late and start walking back up towards Hillerska.

I reach the top of the stairs leading me to the entrance of Hillerska and I stop in my tracks when I see Simon talking to some other kid from our economics class, Malcolm.

Their laughing at something and I see Malcolm grab Simons hand and hold it between his own while laughing. He's looking at him with a certain look in his eye. He's looking at my boyfriend.

Simon looks down at their hands with a uncomfortable look on his face, but he just slightly pulls his hand away and continues talking to him.

I fast walk towards them and as I get closer they slightly laugh at something and Malcolm grabs the side of Simons arm, not like he was trying to hurt him but it was still weird.

I walk up behind Simon and wrap my arms around his stomach in a hug, Malcolm cuts his sentence short and quickly pulls his arm off of Simons arm.

"Hi babe, I tried calling you is your phone off?" I ask him as I kiss him right below his ear.

Malcolm just stands there wide eyed as me and Simon stand here talking to eachother, i'm still hugging Simon as we talk.

"Uhm Simon im gonna go but could I get your number?" He asks

Is he fucking serious?

I laugh. "Here I'll give it to you" I say to him while I unwrap my arms from around Simon and grab a pen from the side pocket of his backpack.

I grab his hand write down on top of his hand "123-fuck you"  I then drop his hand and smile at him, Simon let's put a small chuckle.

I wrap my arm around Simons shoulder and turn us around to walk the opposite direction.

Simon then stops us and grips my face to kiss me. "Thank you for doing that, he was so weird"

"Always, also I'm sorry for not being there when you got off the bus. I slept through my alarm."

"It's okay, I assumed you did. You look cute by the way" he says looking at my sweater

"Haha thank you, my boyfriend gave it to me" I say giving him a kiss on his cheek

He smiles at me and continue walking into Hillerska to go to our first class.

Word count- 605


hi!! This was fun to write, it is a little short but I hope you guys enjoyed it<3

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