christmas eve

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I've been stressing over this gift for the past week now.

For Christmas I ordered Wille a brand new frog snow globe, it's the exact same as the one he had. I preordered it about a month and a half ago and it finally arrived a week before Christmas. It was perfect.

While I'm sitting on my hard wood floor wrapping his gift in light blue and yellow striped wrapping paper, I'm listening to Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant.

I finished wrapping his gift and now I'm just putting a bow and a name tag on, I wrote To my prince from Simon <3

I put the present on my dresser and sat up and flopped down on my bed watching my fish in till Wille arrives.


I'm half asleep when I hear my mom yell from the kitchen "Simon! Come here Wilhelm is here!"  I sit up and grab his present and fast walk to the kitchen.

I greet Wilhelm with a huge hug. "Haha hi babe" he says out of breathe as he drops a gift bag on the floor and wraps his arms around me. "I missed you." I said while giving his cheek a kiss.

"Come on you have to see what I got you" he replied and unwraps his arms around me, he bends down to grab the gift bag on the floor and also grabs my hand and starts walking to the living room.

"Wilhelm, Simon hot chocolate?" My mom asks while waving hot chocolate mix in her hands from the kitchen.

"Sure thank you Linda." Wilhelm responds with a smile. "Yes please mamma" I also respond then turn to Wille who starts to look anxious.

"are you okay?" I ask quickly while grabbing his hands.  "I'm fine, I promise. I'm just nervous that you won't like your present" he says quietly
"Wille I promise whatever you get me I will love no matter what, ok? " I said sincerely.

My mom came in shortly after with our hot chocolate on a tray and put it on the coffee table and walked back to Saras room to hang out with her while me and Wille are out here.

"Okay do you wanna go first?" Wille asks when we sat down on the couch. "sure..." I replied starting to get nervous but excited. I grab the wrapped up snow globe and place it in his lap.

He picks it up and shakes it like a little kid on Christmas morning, it's adorable. He slowly unwraps the present and as soon as he sees the frog with golden flakes floating around it beautifully, he sets it down and crashes into me with a hug.

"Thank you so much Simon. Thank you." He
repeatedly said thank you in my ear. I grab the back of his head and tangle my fingers through his short hair. I can feel tears hitting the side of my neck but I don't mention it. "Of course Wille,I love you." He pulls back from the hug and brings me into a sweet kiss. "I love you so much." He says as he breaks the kiss and then brings his lips to my forehead to kiss 3 times.

"Okay I'm sorry I'll give you my gift now." He feels the need to apologize. "Don't apologize babe, and okay!" I reply smiling, excited for my gift.

He pulls out a small box which seems to hold jewelry and hands it to me. "I was really nervous about which one to choose, i had like 5 different options but this one was the perfect one." He rants and I go to open the jewelry box. The small box reveals a gorgeous ring that has i will always love you engraved on the inside of the ring.

"Oh my god Wille. This is so gorgeous, thank you so much." I jump forward into his lap and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. I feel my eyes tearing up but I try my best not to cry. I pull back and plant a kiss to his lips then his nose, forehead and just all around his face which made him burst into a fit of giggles. "Stoppp hahahaha" he said pulling me back with a huge grin on his face.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. "One second." I said quickly stood up and ran off to my room to find an old necklace chain I had. I came back into the living room with the ring on the chain. "I don't wear rings much so I figured I'd put it on a necklace?" I said while I clasped the necklace onto myself.

"good idea" Wilhelm said with a smile on his face. I sat down next to him again and he picked up the ring on the necklace, analyzing it.

"No but seriously Wille... I love you so much, I really don't deserve you." I said in disbelief that this boy is mine.

"I don't deserve you Simon, I love you more" he says pulling me into one more hug.

Word count- 892


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