Movie night (better version)

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Hi!! I wanted to remake the movie night because the original one I had made I wasn't happy with but I didn't wanna delete it so I figured I'd make a whole new one.

also give me suggestions please because I am struggling so bad with ideas😭

enjoy!! 💓💓


"Wille! Did you ever get popcorn?" Simon yells from the bathroom of my dorm room.

"You realize you don't need to yell right? Your not even 15 feet away" I say from my spot on my bed, laughing slightly.

"oh yeah sorry but did you?" Simon says as he walked out of the bathroom holding the air mattress we had bought just for occasions like this.

"I did yeah, and lots of sweets" I answered grabbing the box from him.


It took us longer than it should've simply just blowing up an air mattress.

"okay that's never happening again" Simon stated as he flopped down on top of the freshly blown up mattress.

"It wasn't terrible, now help me quickly before Felice and Sara get here" I said throwing a blanket at him, smiling.

By the time we got everything set up for the movie night we were exhausted but it's quite cozy, there's loads of pillows and blankets.

We are now sitting on the mattress waiting for Felice and Sara to arrive. My back is against my bed and Simons head is in my lap.

I'm twirling my fingers in his hair when there's a couple knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I talk loud enough so they can hear through the wall. After they heard me they burst through the door holding even more snacks.

"Okay love birds enough we have a movie to watch!" Felice says hoping onto the bed behind us along with Sara.

I lean down and kiss Simon just to spite them, making Simon let out a laugh and kiss me back.

"Ok guys really?" Sara said as she looked away and pretended to throw up.

We pull back and Simon smiles pulls himself up and sits beside me now. 

"Whatever but what movie are we watching?" Sara said picking up her phone to search up good movies to watch.

"Horror?" Simon suggested

"Sounds good to me" Felice shrugged and looked at Sara for her opinion.

"I'm down, Wilhelm?"

"I guess that's okay, they aren't my favorite but it's okay" I agreed because I could tell how much Simon wanted to watch a horror film and I enjoyed seeing him happy.

"Ok! Which one?" Simon asked excitedly 

"I heard Smile is good what about that?" Sara asked

We all agreed and Simon grabbed the remote and started searching it up.

He put the movie on and grabbed a bag of popcorn for us and for Sara and Felice. "Thank you." Felice mumbled while stuffing a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

I draped a blanket over our laps as i scooted closer to Simon and put my head on his shoulder, soon after I felt his head rest on top of mine.


We aren't even halfway through the movie and Wille jumps at every jumpscare , even when they aren't that scary.

"Shit!" He half yells in my ear as he digs his head into my shoulder and wraps his arms around my stomach.

"Wille it's okay.." I said trying not to smile

"Here lay down" I said quietly trying not to disrupt the movie for Felice and Sara behind us. I moved Wilhelms Head into my lap, putting my fingers into his hair in and attempt to make him relax a little.

As we are a little over halfway through the movie I notice Wille isn't jumping or screaming at the jumpscares anymore, he'll sometimes just freeze and relax back into the comfort of my finger running through his hair.


the movie finishes and Felice and Sara were still up, eating tons of sweets made them wide awake.

Wilhelm and Simon on the other hand are completely asleep. They fell asleep shortly after Simon made both of them lay down because his back hurt from sitting up against the bed the whole time.

Felice and Sara shut the computer off and start cleaning up as quietly as they could, in hopes not to wake her brother and her boyfriend.

"I can't with these two" Felice says while looking at the two boys wrapped up in eachothers arms on the mattress, laughing.

"Welcome to my world, I have to deal with them all the time when Wilhelm comes over" Sara complained

Felice picked grabbed her bag and her phone and turned to Sara "ready to head out?" She asked. "Yeah let's go before its too late." Sara replied walking out the door while Felice started to follow.

Felice started to close the door but paused, peaking her head in one more time to admire the two boys. She was extremely happy for Wilhelm. She smiled one last time and exited the room.

Even though the click of the door closing was quiet it still made Simon stir in bed. He soon woke up and opened his eyes slightly to see if Felice and Sara were still there.

When he relished they weren't he turned around to face Wille and dug his head in the side of his neck, getting comfortable again.

That woke Wilhelm. "Hey are you okay?" He mumbled. "Yeah I'm fine, I think I just heard Felice and Sara leave and that woke me up,let's go back to sleep." Simon replied, kissing Willes check and putting his head back into the crook of his neck.

"Okay, I love you" Wilhelm said sleepily. "I love you" Simon responded back almost right away.

Both the boys fell asleep with smiles on the faces.

Word count : 966

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