sick day.

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(Slight mention of puke)


I stood out front of Simons house waiting for someone to answer the door, with Malin not far behind me.

After 3 minutes Linda opened the door "Wilhelm hi!" she said embracing me in a hug. "You can come on in, Simons in his room." I nodded and started making my way to his room.

as I was almost there I heard a faint sound of sniffling and a sneeze. 

"Simon hey, are you ok?" I said concerned

"y-yeah I'm fine just think I have some sort of cold." he said tiredly. He looked really run down, he was pale and had bags underneath his eyes. "How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked. "Maybe three hours? I was up puking half the time." He shrugged


I pick up the trash bag that is filled with his throw up trying not to look at it and go outside to drop it in the trash can.

When I come back inside Linda comes around the corner  "what did you just throw out?" She asked confused. "Oh um Simon threw up and I went to go throw it in the bin outside.. He isn't feeling too well." I responded.  Lindas face turned into a look of concern "oh honey you didn't have to do that I could've, why don't you head home so you don't catch whatever sickness he has?" I smiled but declined "it's okay, I don't care if I get sick or not. As long as he's cared for." I shrugged.

"Simons really lucky to have you Wilhelm." Linda said with a smile on her face. "Thank you Linda. I love him." I said turning around to walk back to Simons room

As I walked in Simons room I see a Simon sized lump underneath the blankets.. "you okay under there?" I said laughing. "Mhm... I'm really cold though, can you get me a hoodie please?" he said quietly "of course" I went up to his closet and picked the coziest hoodie I could find and handed it to him. "Thank you" he said sitting up and putting the hoodie on.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna get you some medicine so you don't spike a fever or anything.." i said kissing his forehead and walking away.

I walked into the living room and saw Linda lounging on the couch. "hey where is the medicine at?" she paused the tv and looked over at me "it should be in the cabinet above the sink in the bathroom"      "Ok
perfect thank you" I replied walking to the bathroom

I dug through the medicine cabinet trying to find the right one. "Aha!" I said as I pulled out the pills for colds and fevers. I then went back to the kitchen to grab a small cup to fill with water.

"Babe I got some medicine for you" I said walking in with a cup of water in one hand and a pill in my other hand.

"thank you " he said sitting up again to take the pills

After he took the pills for his cold he reached his arms out for me "please come cuddle.." he said so quietly I could barely hear it. "Okay" I smiled as i got into bed next to him.

He put his head against my chest and intertwined our legs as I picked up my hand to play with his hair.

"thank you Wille, for taking care of me. I love you."

"You don't have to thank me, I'll always take care of you. I love you more. Goodnight Simon" I said kissing the top of his head.

word count - 617

Wilhelm and Simon one shots Where stories live. Discover now