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(Fatima):I don't think i heard you correctly what you just say. 

(Deja):Bitch you heard me just fine i said stay away from my man. 

(Fatima):I thought i heard the word bitch.

Fatima swing connecting her hand with deja face which causes deja to fall back hitting the ground fatima got on top of her and just started going in, Deja friends tried their hardest to get fatima up off of deja but nothing was working, Other students notice to commotion and came running to see, Fatima was going in so hard she end up punching deja in the mouth and blood started to flow deja friends really wanted to get fatima up off deja now one of her friend tried anything which caused her to elbow fatima in the mouth by mistake.

Fatima stop what she was doing hold her mouth and notice she was bleeding and all fatima  could see was red, She charge at her grabbing the girl by her hair throwing level of punch then proceed to drag her, The teachers came running separating the two from each other then they assisted them to the principal office.

Fatima was so mad that she didn't fully comprehend what was going so she took a while to calm down then took out her phone to call her sster and tell her to answer to home phone when it rings and she will tell her all about it when she gets home.

(Principal karter):Ms wilson.


(Principal  karter):May you please step in my office.

Fatima got up and made her way in the principal office. 

(Principal karter):So fatima i was just informed that you were just in a altercation that occurred a few minutes ago.

(Fatima):Yes but i didn't start it she keep picking with me.

(Principal karter):That still don't give you a right to assault someone. 

(Fatima):She assaulted me first by calling me a bitch it wasn't physical but it was verbal assault.

(Principal karter):I don't care you can't hit someone you will be getting after school detention for six days  and i will also call your parents to come in. 

(Fatima):What i didn't start it she did whatever can i go now.

(Principal karter):She and her friend will also get the same thing and yes you may leave.

Fatima up and leave outside the office angela was standing there. 

(Angela):Girl i heard you got in to a fight i had to come check on my bestfriend.

(Fatima):Yeah it was deja bitch ass. 

(Angela):That heifer again she don't stop i see and she busted your lip. 

(Fatima):She didn't do this her friend did i would never let her get that one up.

(Angela):Them hoes tried to jump you.

(Fatima):No they were trying to break us up and she end up hitting me i was mad so i whoop that ass still.

(Angela):Still gone beat her ass because she decided to walk up on you.

(Fatima):Anyways go back to class i have to go to class before in late meet me after school i have after school detention. 

(Angela):Ouuu not fatima have detention (Laughs) okay i'll wait for you.

(Fatima):(Laugh) That's not funny bye.


(Angela):Looks y'all she is out of prison.

(Fatima):Your not funny i'm hungry and tired.

(Angela):Well we still have to wait because tae is giving me a ride and he is in football practice.

(Fatima):Justyce here because she was at his house. 

(Angela):Yes she is on the field watching them practice.

(Fatima):Okay let's go there because i'm tired.

They made their way to the field and sat next to justyce and fill her in on what happen today.

(Justyce):That's why you got a busted lip ouuu i'm going to beat her ass.

(Fatima):I already did. 

(Justyce):Uncle drew not going to be happy.

(Fatima):I know he can't be to mad at me because i didn't start it.

Fatima saw zac playing and decided to tease him.

(Fatima):Number 17 your trash.

(Zac):Well come show me how it's done (Smiling)  

(Fatima):(Trying not to smile) I would but i don't want to embarrass you more than you already have. 

(Zac):Sound like an excuse shorty.

The girls just sat and watch zac and tae practice after the boys finished up they got stuff together and walked over to the girls, Zac watched fatima and notice a bruise on her lip.

(Zac):Fatima what happen to your lip.

(Fatima):Your girl and her friends happen.

(Zac):What you mean deja did that.

(Fatima):O no she did even get a chance to hit me her friend hit me by mistake you did hear about it.

(Zac):Fatima you crazy why y'all fight in the first place? And yes i heard people said it had and fight with my girl but i didn't she her today.

(Fatima):Because of you she tried to threaten me and started calling me out my name she probably wouldn't like that your talking to me now.

(Zac):Bro she got to chill i'm sorry about that but you can't have nobody hitting you in the face you got nice lips.

(Fatima):(Smile)You think so. 

(Zac):Yeah, Why are you still here anyways?

(Fatima):Because i had after school detention and i need a ride home. 

(Zac):I'll ride you hope that will be my sorry to you.

(Fatima):Thanks, You ready? because i'm tired and hungry.

(Zac):We could pass somewhere for you to get something to eat let's go because i don't another reason for you father to kill me i heard his motto. 

(Fatima):(Laughs)Most of the time he just be playing but how you know that.

(Zac):Tae tell me what you dad be saying and what you mean most of the time?

(Fatima):Nothing let's go before he really kill you.

(Zac):Aight hey y'all we out.

(Angela):Bye miss petty get home safe. 

(Justyce):Yeah go straight home.

(Fatima):Okay y'all doing to much now bye.

Zac dab up tae and they leave 

THE BEGINNING OF ZATIMA (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now