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After eating fatima texted dani and told her that they were going to zac's house so that he can get some clothes for the party, Zac called tyler and told him to have the car ready for him and fatima because they had somewhere to go 

Zac and fatima both throw on some clothes and went down to the lobby and waited for tyler to pull the car up front, When the car came to the front they both got in and fatima told tyler that they were going to zac's house tyler nodded his head and made his way to the house

On the way to zac's house fatima phone starts to ring when she looked at the caller id it was her father 

(Fatima):Hey daddy 

(Drew):Hey sweetie, Are you enjoying yourself in new york 

(Fatima):I am, it's really nice over here you should have bought a house here for us 

(Drew):Yeah i should have but at the time new york did feel like a home to me or a place that i want my family to live 

(Fatima):Would you buy one now?

(Drew):I would actually, It's a really nice place do you want me to buy one 

(Fatima):Yes that would be grate 

(Drew):Okay i'll talk it over with your mother and see what she thinks, Tell zac i said congrats on the win i gotta go sweetie 

(Fatima):I will, Be safe daddy i love you 

(Drew):I love you too sweetie 

After fatima got off the phone with her dad they were just pulling up into the driveway of zac's house

(Zac):Was that your dad 

(Fatima):Yes, he just wanted to know how new york is going and he said congrats on the win 

(Zac):I'll text him and tell him thanks when we get in the house 

(Fatima):Okay, i don't even know how he knows your team won 

(Zac):My dad i bet he told him 

(Fatima):Oh yes i forgot about that he probably did 

 Zac and fatima come out of the car and made their way inside as zac open the door and stepped inside the same time his father was making his way downstairs to leave

(Zac):What's up dad

(Keith):Hey son what you doing here 

(Zac):I just came to get some clothes to go to a party my teammate is throwing 

(Keith):Congrats on the win again i'm so proud of you men stay focus 

(Zac):Thanks dad 

(Keith):No problem son, Now let me talk to my daugther-in-law hey gangster 

(Fatima):(Smiling) Hi mr. keith 

(Keith):How you doing, Is collage going good so far?

(Fatima):I'm good collage has been going well for the most part nothing i can't fix 

(Keith):That good is there anybody i need to handle?

(Zac):While you guy's talk i'll be upstairs getting some clothes (Leaves)

(Keith):Okay son

(Fatima):There is nobody things been going smooth 

(Keith):That's good i don't have to kill anybody we all good 

(Fatima):(Laugh)We all good 

(Keith):So how is my son treating you 

(Fatima):(Smiling)He been treating me wonderful the best boyfriend i could ever ask for 

THE BEGINNING OF ZATIMA (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now