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As zac made his way outside he called his brother kj he just really needed someone to talk to he didn't want to call fatima because he thought she would be busy with school and didn't want to put to much on her 

(KJ):Hey bro what's up you ain't call me in a minute 

(Zac):Hey, I ain't really been feeling to talk to anyone with all honesty i haven't talked to anyone at all

(KJ):What you mean you ain't talk to no one you and tima good did y'all break up 

(Zac):Nah we still together but i haven't been answering her calls and we don't talk like that 

(KJ):Zac what you got going on you don't sound like yourself talk to me 

(Zac):(Holding back tears) I haven't been able to do shit and it's  fucking frustrating me i can't use my hand to do the thing i love most, School ain't going good because i can't write with my left hand fatima probably mad at me because she stop calling or texting me i just feel like i'm pushing her way everything is just going down hill 

(KJ):Zac you my brother and i love you to death the same way fatima love you, the same same way how you can call me and talk to me i'm pretty sure you can do the same thing with her just talk to her i would get why she feels like your pushing her away too or you holding out on her 


(KJ):Calm down zac i wanna help you but i feel like fatima would do a way better job and it will give y'all a change to talk, Nothing is going down hill it all takes time you can't fuck a nigga up and expect your hand to heal in two days shit takes time go home take a shower and look like a human and call my sis 

(Zac):Okay now you going to far i already took a shower and i don't look to bad 

(KJ):I'm glad you know you don't look to good let's be real you look like shit 

(Zac):(Laugh)You talkin a lot of shit over this phone 

(KJ):(Laugh)What you gone do beat my ass your hand too messed up to do that 

(Zac):Bro get off my phone or i'm gone hang up on your dumbass 

(KJ):(Laugh)Now go call my sis call me when y'all done talk and you better be out of that head space you in now 

(Zac):Okay i'll talk to you later 

When zac and his brother got off the phone he walk back in to talk to his coach after the talked coach baker told him to take the day, When he got home zac took a shower and made himself  comfortable in bed before he called fatima after he was settled he called fatima 

The first time zac called her she didn't answer so he tried calling her again the phone this time the phone ring three time before she answered 


(Zac):Why you answer me like that 

(Fatima):Nigga is that really a question your ass basically ghosted me for pass few weeks no texts or calls 

(Zac):And i'm really sorry about that 

(Fatima):Zac get off my phone unless you were dying or something was wrong with you that sorry don't mean shit 

(Zac):T, don't you dare hang up that phone on me can just let me explain before you start going off, You have a valid reason for not wanting to talk to me but please give me a chance



(Fatima):Talk zac 

(Zac):Thank you, Ever since i mess my hand up i ain't been able to play basketball or write my assignments i tried to write with my left hand but that wasn't working out so i stop going to my classes and now i'm behind, The meds i been taking for my hand made me sleepy while i was in class which lead to me to stop taking them i also have to sit out on my practice and watch everyone get to do the thing i love the most everything just stressed me out and i got frustrated and i stop talking to everyone including you which was bad on my part 

(Fatima):Zac when we first started being friends what's one of the first things i told you

(Zac):That i can come and talk to you about again thing

(Fatima):Exactly, I get why you were frustrated but if you had just talk to me i could of took some stress off of you instead you pushed me away and put yourself in a dark spot, Zac there is never to much for me to handle and i never want you to think your putting to much on me i love talking to you i loving helping you when you need help it's that simple, How is your hand doing?

(Zac):Is not cooperating it still hurt really bad from time to time 

(Fatima):Did you start back taking your meds?

(Zac):No, I don't wanna be feeling sleepy all the time

(Fatima):Zac just go see if you can get them change or watch the time you take it so that way you won't be sleepy in class 

(Zac):(Smiling)Why did i took so long to come talk to you 

(Fatima):(Smiling)Anyways to not be behind you can ask your professors to send the work for you since you can't write 

(Zac):Will do, I just wanna say sorry again i really am sorry if i made you feel any type of way or like i'm pushing you away because i'm not, You ain't going anywhere you stuck with me forever 

(Fatima):I accept your apology but don't do no shit like that again 

(Zac):Noted, I love you 

(Fatima):I love you too 


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