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Frank sought advice from his aunt about Gerard's medication, and after a lengthy discussion he was convinced that Lindsey's actions were all about keeping Gerard 'under' and unable to recall anything from his past. He was absolutely raging when his aunt told him that they could cause liver damage if taken long term. How could she risk her husband's health further like that? He had told Kayleigh that he was determined to wean his friend off his meds, but she was none too happy about it.

"You can't just decide that Frank" Kayleigh was telling him.

"I fucking can and I have" he retorted.

"He's my responsibility while his wife's away. I'm not just gonna let you interfere with his care" she informed him.

"The deal was that I would take over Kayls. As soon as that witch was out of the way, I would stay here and take care of him. Then you could leave" he reminded Kayleigh.

"I know that" she answered quietly. "But I feel a sense of responsibility towards him now."

Kayleigh had really taken to Gerard. She liked him and wanted to protect him from anything that may harm him (which she believed Frank's actions possibly could).

"I've spoken to my Aunt Janet Kayls. She said he can't be taking that shit long term. It will fuck up his liver. And he doesn't need them" Frank went on to explain. "I'm not just gonna pull them from him. I know what I'm doing Kayls, and I will obviously speak to Gee about it first."

She still wasn't sure, but she could see the determination in Frank's eyes.

"Ok" she relented. "But this is on you Frank. If this goes tits up, it's on you."

"Of course," Frank replied with a squeeze of Kayleigh's hand. "I'd never let you take the blame for anything Kayls. But trust me, this is the right thing to do."

She knew he was right, but she was just worried. What if they started meddling with Gerard's meds and made him really ill or something? She could never live with herself if they did anything to harm him. Still, Frank convinced her that it was in his best interest and even called his aunt again to speak to Kayleigh to put her mind at ease a little more.

The following morning, while he and Gerard were sat eating breakfast, Frank decided to broach the subject.

"Do you actually know what all of those are for?" he asked Gerard, pointing to the many medicine bottles that sat neatly along the kitchen counter top.

"Not really" Gerard shrugged. "They're just to make me better" he added, sounding so pure and innocent it made Frank smile.

"Do they make you feel better?"

Gerard just shook his head from side to side but he didn't speak.

"What would you say if I told you that you didn't actually need to take all of them Gerard?"

"I don't know" Gerard replied looking a little uneasy. "Lindsey says I have to. She knows."

"She doesn't know shit" Frank snapped, but quickly apologised when he notice Gerard flinch from his tone.

"I'm sorry" he continued. "I didn't mean to scare you. It's just...........I........you don't need most of them."

Gerard looked confused and looked pleadingly at Frank for him to explain.

"Haven't you noticed how you're, I dunno, perkier when your meds are wearing off a bit? You know, more awake and in control?"

"Yeah" Gerard replied with a quiet tone. "That's why I don't like taking them. Cos I know I'm gonna feel all fuzzy again and not be able to concentrate on, you know, my art and stuff?"

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