17 - Final Chapter

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"Gee! Don't go home. Meet me at Frank's place!" Mikey was saying down the phone to a confused Gerard.

"What? Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Mikey tried to reassure. "Not wrong as such, but I need to see you. There's something you're gonna want to see. Both of you."

"Okay. We'll we can be there in what? Forty-five minutes?" Gerard asked Frank while talking to his brother over the phone.

Frank nodded, looking a little confused.

"Yeah. Forty five minutesish" Gerard confirmed before saying goodbye and hanging up.

"What was that about?" Frank asked as the two began to pack away their stuff.

The two rushed about and headed back to Frank's car, reluctantly loading up the trunk, knowing their date was coming to an abrupt halt.

Before starting the engine, Frank turned to Gerard. "Thank you" he simply said with a shy smile.

Gerard furrowed his eyebrows clearly questioning Frank.

"For this. For today. For not giving up on me even though I'm a stubborn asshole" he clarified.

"I hurt you Frank. I know that. It was never my intention, but I did. So stubborn asshole or not, I wasn't giving you up without a fight. I would have messaged you every fuckin' day just so you knew I still loved you. You never gave up on me Frank. All that time apart, and you never stopped trying to track me down. And all you've done for me since. Fuck. I know our love is worth whatever we're gonna have to deal with. Right?"

Frank swallowed as he took a hold of Gerard's hand. "Right Gee" he assured. "I'm not letting you go again."

With that, Frank moved his other hand towards Gerard's cold cheek and leaned in for a kiss. It was so tender that goosebumps erupted from Gerard's skin. He felt the outpouring of Frank's love in that kiss and he returned his own as their mouths moved in sync. Neither pushed the kiss to be anything more than slow and sensual. Neither had any desire to grab at clothes and rip them from each other's bodies. Both were truly satisfied to simply express their love through this kiss. Gerard's eyes were still loosely closed as their lips finally parted. Frank took in his breath-taking beauty and smiled.

"I love you Gee" he whispered as he placed on last peck to his lips. "Never forget that!"

"I won't" Gerard replied. "I love you too."

As they pulled into Frank's driveway an hour later, they found Mikey pacing the perimeter of the garden.

"'Bout fuckin' time" he shouted over to them as they exited the car.

"What the fuck's going on man?" Frank asked.

"Oh my God. You won't fucking believe this" he replied, with a sudden bout of excitement.

Gerard sat quietly as Mikey played the footage of his wife with another man. Frank and Mikey were ecstatic at the revelation, but Gerard couldn't quite bring himself to feel quite the same.

It hurt.

Yes he was guilty of the same thing, having spent the afternoon with Frank, and it wasn't seeing her with another guy that caused a tight ball in his gut, but the betrayal he felt as he watched her toss aside her 'baby bump'. He wasn't sure why he would feel sad about it, but he did. He was relieved, yes, Lindsey had no hold over him whatsoever now, but deep down, a part of him had wanted to be a father.

"Holy shit Gee" Frank was now saying, throwing an arm around him and whooping with joy.

Gerard tried to paint a smile upon his face, but he wasn't fooling anybody.

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