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Frank slept more soundly that night that he could ever remember, content in the knowledge that Gerard was safely snuggled alongside him. He could have happily lay there for the entire following day. But alas, he needed to pee. And he also realised that he'd left poor Kayleigh stranded in his kitchen on her own. He basked in Gerard's warm embrace for a couple more precious minutes, before easing himself out of the bed, resembling something like an octopus, with one tentacle-like limb slowly slinking from the edge of the mattress, closely followed by another, in an attempt not to make any movement whatsoever. He failed in his mission, when he misjudged the edge of the bed and landed on the floor besides it with a loud thud.

Gerard's head shot up and he sat bolt upright in the bed. Looking around the room he was confused, and a little disappointed at the empty space beside him.

"Hi" came Frank's voice as he popped up from the floor wincing a little as he rubbed his hand over his probably now bruised hip.

Gerard laughed out loud. "What happened?"

"Well I was trying not to disturb you" Frank grinned as he stood from the floor. "Sorry!"

"It's ok" Gerard smiled. "What time is it?"

"Almost 8.30" Frank replied, looking at his watch. "I never fuckin' sleep this late" he added, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry" Gerard apologised.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? I need the sleep. So thank you really. You must help me sleep better" he said with a pink tinge rising to his cheeks.

Gerard now blushed in return, and Frank mumbled something and headed out to the bathroom. He looked at his complexion in the mirror before splashing water over his face. He needed to get a fucking grip. He couldn't allow himself to believe that everything was now perfect in the world, just because he and Gerard had gotten closer. The poor guy still had no idea that they were ever even together. Frank wasn't sure how he would react to that little nugget of information - no matter how much he just wanted to tell him about them. As far as Gerard was concerned, he and Frank were simply friends and he had gone on to marry the woman he loved. It was a total mess; he knew that. Yet when he left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, finding Gerard pouring them both a coffee, his head went straight back into fantasy mode and he indulged himself in the dream of this being his future - him and Gerard living in harmony.

Kayleigh had left Frank a message on his phone to say she had left the night before; not wanting to disturb him. He replied with an apology and a thank you. She messaged back to say she was available if he needed her to help with unpacking or anything else. He smiled as he considered how thoughtful she was, before replying telling her he would be fine. Then he turned his attention back to Gerard, asking what he would like for breakfast, and settling back into his 'happy family' role.

The two spent the rest of the day unpacking Gerard's stuff and making it feel more homely for him. He constantly apologised to Frank for being an inconvenience, with Frank telling him to 'shut the fuck up' every time he did until eventually he did and stopped worrying about it. He still got overwhelmed at points and Frank could see his anxiety creeping up on him. He also looked a little pained by the late afternoon and Frank realised he'd probably overdone it. He gave him his anti-inflammatory medication and made him take some time out and relax for a little while. While they chatted and ate lunch, Gerard again began to question Frank on their past. Frank stood and gestured for Gerard to follow him. He led him down into his basement and smiled as he opened the door and allowed Gerard to enter. His eyes seemed as wide as saucers as he took in his surroundings. Adorning one entire wall were framed gold and platinum record plaques, endless magazine covers were displayed as a collage across the other wall, there were shelves and shleves of guitar cases, and costumes, jackets and props proudly hung in glass cases with various other items of memorabilia strewn all around. Gerard was mesmerised as he wandered around the room, tracing his fingertips gently over the glossy magazine covers, taking in his different appearances over the years. He smiled as he looked at his Killjoys in their full glory on a magazine cover, his yellow mask covering his eyes and Ghoul's bandanna-covered face.

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