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Gerard continued to message Frank over the course of the next week. He didn't receive any replies and his hope faded a little more every time he hit the send button.

He spent hour upon hour reading up on his past life. It was coming back to him more with each page he read and every photograph he looked at. He couldn't help but notice that Frank was present and by his side on every single one. He was either leaning on his shoulder, laughing in his direction or perched upon his lap. Always there, and always looking at Gerard with an expression of absolute adoration. It was no wonder it was becoming abundantly clear to everyone around them that the two were in love. Yet it looked like it was Frank that made it obvious, so Gerard was confused about why he would be the one to be so freaked out about anyone suspecting their relationship.

Gerard took in Frank's features, and they were becoming real – actual memories and not just still pictures on the page in his hands. He was beginning to remember particular interviews or photoshoots. He could recall snippets of conversations he had had with his band members about set lists and stage productions. He could remember the private jokes he and Frank would share and how he would go out of his way to make Frank laugh, because honestly, Frank's laugh was his favourite sound in the world. He was coming back, and he wanted Frank to know about all the new memories he had regained. Wanted him to be proud of him again. But he wasn't here. Gerard was alone, once again, sat in his wooden cabin and wallowing in self-pity.

He sent one last message of the evening:

'I remember so much more now Frank. It's all coming back to me. What you meant to me. And I still feel that way. Please call me Frank. I miss you so much xoxoG'

Frank read the latest message over and over again. He too had been indulging (or rather torturing himself) with online photographs of he and Gerard. He had been so tormented since he had last text him. He felt somewhat cruel at being the one to send the initial message, only to leave Gerard with a bitchy final reply and never reply to the messages he'd received afterwards. Of course, Gerard had made the decision to go back to her, but Frank knew he wasn't happy. He didn't for one second believe that he had left for Lindsey. He knew from speaking to Mikey how strained the situation was between the two of them, but he was still struggling to find a way to forgive him. He was so cut up about it and had thought that blanking Gerard and pretending not to give a fuck would make it easier to forget about him and move on. Nothing could have been further from the truth in fact. He missed him with every fibre in his body and he had accomplished absolutely nothing by ignoring him and pretending he didn't exist. Mikey knew it. Kayleigh knew it. And Frank definitely knew it. He was just as in love with Gerard as he ever had been. And he knew he would be lonely forever without him.

He switched off his phone and managed a measly few hours of sleep before waking with his usual headache. He showered and ate breakfast, feeling slightly better as he swallowed a couple of painkillers and made a decision about his day.

Meanwhile, in the Way household that morning, Lindsey proudly presented Gerard with a positive pregnancy test while he sat eating his cereal.

"Happy?" she said as she shoved the little white stick towards him.

"How do I know it's real?" Gerard asked hesitantly.

"Fucking hell Gerard. I didn't realise you wanted to actually watch me pee on it. You should have said!"

"I didn't. I just...............I, um"

"It's real Gerard. Do you want me to go buy another one and you can hold it between my legs while I take a piss? Would that help?"

"No. I'm sorry, I just.............." Gerard did actually want to do that, but her saying it out loud made it weird. And it did look very real. He was certain of it. The fact that she had started showing a little bit over the last week or so also served as more 'proof'.

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