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Frank lay silently next to Gerard in his bed that night.  It had just become an unspoken rule that the two shared his bed. He looked over and found Gerard sleeping soundly; the relaxed up and down of his chest signalling that he was in a peaceful slumber.  Frank was glad about that.  He would try and hold off worrying him about the Lindsey situation for as long as he possibly could.

He scolded himself, however, for being so unprepared for it.  Of course, he knew Lindsey would soon be back, demanding answers (understandably), but he hadn’t really put any thought into how he would handle the whole thing; instead allowing himself to get wrapped up in this fantasy life of him and Gee living happily ever fucking after. 

As he lay there now, he attempted to go through all the various scenarios in his head.  Lindsey had no idea where Frank lived, so he felt confident that he had a few days at least until she turned up.  And there was no way of her contacting Gerard directly, after he had willingly switched off his phone; partly because he was terrified of his wife calling him and partly because he didn’t have a fucking clue what most of the functions were for anyway – finding its constant beeping and buzzing just an irritation.  She had contacted Kayleigh, however, so he knew she would find some way of reaching them. 

Kayleigh had sounded panicked when Frank called her earlier in the evening after she’d messaged him.  She was a sweetheart, so he understood her fear of Lindsey completely.  He knew she would crumble if she was to speak to her in person, so he insisted that she didn’t take any calls or respond to any messages.  She was more than happy to do that but was still worried.  He arranged to meet her the following day after he’d dropped Gee off with his folks and assured her it would all be alright.

“Morning Gee!” he smiled as he stood in the kitchen making pancakes the following morning.

“Hey” Gerard smiled sweetly in return.

“Sit!” Frank ordered.  “Coffee’s ready to pour and these’ll only be a couple of minutes."

Gerard did as he was told, pouring coffee into the two cups on the table.  He smiled as he watched Frank flip the batter and chuckled as he listened to him sing along to the radio.  He felt so content here with Frank.  Even in his more conscious moments at home with Lindsey, it had never felt like this.  He was always treated like a child, and he didn’t ever remember them having a laugh together.

Frank placed the pancakes in the middled of the table, before leaning down and planting a tender kiss to the top of Gerard’s head.  Goosebumps rose to the surface of his skin at the simple gesture, and he took a hold of Frank’s wrist and pulled him down into a heated kiss, leaving Frank a little flustered as the two broke apart and he made it to his seat.

“What was that for?” he asked.

Gerard shrugged.  “Just because.”

Frank laughed.  “Well, ‘just because’ is fine with me.”

He knew he’d once again pushed all thoughts of Lindsey out of his head, allowing himself to enjoy being with Gerard, instead of worrying about his stupid fucking wife. But what the fuck, huh?

“Hey Kayls!” Frank smiled as he slid into the booth at the coffee shop he’d arranged to meet his friend at.

“Hi” she simply replied, looking incredibly concerned.

“What’s up?”

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