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The two brothers talked on the phone for what seemed like hours to Frank. He was content, however, to simply sit and take in Gerard's facial expressions as he listened intently to his newly discovered little brother. Their bond was still there, and even though a lot of what was being said was lost on Gerard, he still looked at Mikey with a certain wonder in his eyes. A look of absolute adoration. The two finally said their goodbyes, with the promise of Mikey coming to see his brother in person as soon as he could get there.

As Gerard handed Frank's phone back over to him, he slid his fingers up and around his wrist. Frank swallowed hard at the feel of Gerard's cool fingers encircling his skin. God, he missed his touch. The way Gerard used to comfortably sit on his lap and wrap his arms around his neck, or simply hold his hand to the small of Frank's back as the walked along. He was so tactile (with everybody really), but when he used to touch Frank, it somehow always meant more. Even when they were in the public eye, he would, by some means, find a way to be closer to Frank than anyone else around them. When they had fought and 'split up' as Gerard saw it, and Lindsey came on the scene, all that had stopped. And it was sorely missed by Frank. He craved Gerard's touch. He yearned to be wanted by him. But he knew that it was himself that had severed that pact between them, when he so stupidly put other people's opinions about the band before that of his and Gerard's relationship. Why had he been so dumb?

He closed his eyes to the feel of Gerard's hand around his own right now and held his breath as he realised Gerard was pulling him towards him and into a delicate hug. He allowed himself to lean into him and breath him in. He was so familiar to him; his smell and the feel of his arms holding him close. He slid his own arms around Gerard's middle and treasured the feel.

"Thank you" came a whisper from Gerard, breaking Frank's sentimental moment.

Frank looked up and moved back slightly from Gerard, composing himself a little before replying.

"What for?"

"For everything you've done for me" Gerard replied with a sincere smile and a set of sad eyes boring into Frank's.

"It's only what's right Gee. You've been fed a complete lie for over two years. Fuck I can't actually believe what's been going on" Frank added with an annoyed tone to his voice. He had to rein in his emotions, knowing full well that he would lose his shit if he thought too much about Lindsey. Instead, he turned his attention back to Gerard and offered a comforting smile.

"Everything's gonna be ok Gee. I promise."

Gerard nodded. He looked back towards their hands that were still interlinked and let out a breath.

"I know" he said confidently. "I trust you Frank. I don't one hundred percent know what it is about you, but I feel like I could trust you with anything."

"Good. Because I won't let you down Gee. We're going to get you back on track. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, because it won't. But I'll be with you. Every step of the way."

After a little more talking, both avoiding the subject of Gerard's wife for the time being, Gerard headed off to bed. His head was beginning to feel fuzzy again and he was getting a little bit overwhelmed by the day's events.

"Can you tell me more tomorrow?" Gerard asked hopefully.

"Sure" Frank replied. "But you need sleep for now, right?"

Frank barely slept that night. He had remained rooted on the sofa for hours just replaying the day over and over in his head. It had taken such a quick turn, and he was worried about the effect that such a deluge of information would have on Gerard. He had called Kayleigh to keep her up to date with it all and had felt a little better when he had finished discussing it with her. She had convinced him that Gerard was stronger than any of them had given him credit for. There had been such a shift in him over the last couple of weeks and she was sure he was able to deal with much more now that he was practically off most of the medication that he hadn't needed in the first place.

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