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“Gerard!  Listen to me!” Frank spoke in a controlled tone as he tried to get Gerard’s attention and turn his eyes away from the now blank computer screen.

He was taking shallow breaths as he slowly turned his head in Frank’s direction.

“You can either stay here and face Lindsey when she returns” he began.  “Or you can leave with me now.  You know? Come stay with me until we can sort all this shit out?”

“Frank! Give him a minute” Kayleigh interrupted, sliding a protective arm around Gerard’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry.  I just……………….She’s pissed Gee.  She’s gonna be back here in the next day or so, and I just don’t think you’re really ready to deal with her” he told Gerard bluntly.

“I’ll come” Gerard replied without hesitation.

Frank smiled in relief.  He was beyond happy about Gerard’s decision.  He knew he would have to be gone by the time the deranged woman returned, but he would have been uneasy about leaving if Gerard decided to remain.  He didn’t think for a moment that he would be able to handle her.  She would either return and lash out at him; frightening him and filling his head with threats and fears, or she would return as the doting wife, who would somehow manage to convince him that Frank was just a bitter and twisted ex-friend of hers who was hell bent on revenge.  Then she would probably get him dosed back up on his meds and find a new hideout.

“Okay” Frank nodded with a smile.  “Don’t you worry about anything!  It’s all gonna be fine.  We just need to get some things packed up and get the locks changed on this place.”

“The locks?” Gerard asked confused.

“Gee!” Frank soothed.  “This is your place.  I mean, yeah, she has rights and all, but she will take what she can from you man.  If things don’t go her way, then she won’t hesitate to take you to the cleaners.  We need to secure it until things can be worked out properly.”

“Sure.  Whatever…………..Fuckin’ hell” Gerard sighed, running his hand through his hair and looking utterly bewildered at the turn of events over the last couple of days.

Kayleigh could sense his unease and squeezed her arm a little tighter around his shoulder.

“It'll be ok Gerard” she said quietly.  “I know you’re still confused, but believe me…” she pointed towards Frank, “…..this man would do anything for you.”

Gerard's eyes followed ber finger, looking directly to Frank. 

“I’ve never known anyone to be as loyal and devoted as he is" she continued. "He would go to the end of the earth for you. You know that?  He has never given up hope of finding you.  I have no doubt that he would put his fucking life on the line for you Gerard.  And as hard as all this is right now – and I know it is – he will look out for you.  He will protect you.  I can assure you of that.”

Gerard’s eyes had never left Frank’s throughout Kayleigh’s little speech.  He knew what she was telling him was true.  He could just sense the good in Frank.  He felt connected to him, although he couldn’t put his finger on why that was.  It felt like more than he would have imagined bandmates would have felt. 

“I know” he replied quietly.  “I know he will.”

Frank smiled and gave a little wink.  He took advantage of his and Gerard’s personal moment, before deciding they’d better get a move on and take action on getting the fuck out of there.

“Right!” he stated, gaining some composure. "Kayleigh will get your stuff packed up with you.  Get whatever you want.  I’ve got plenty of room and I want you to feel at home.  I’m only about an hour away, so we can make a couple of trips if we need to.  I’ll sort out a locksmith.  Okay?”

“Yeah” Kayleigh confirmed, getting to her feet and gesturing at Gerard to do the same.

“I don’t know” he replied honestly.  “But I know you don’t deserve it.  None of this.”

“I’m sorry” Gerard now said.  “For all this.  Me having to come here.  You having to put everything on hold for me.”

“I would do anything for you Gee.  I just wish you could remember that” he smiled sadly.

Gerard pulled the covers back and scooted across the bed, making his invitation for Frank to join him clear.  Frank slid off his shoes and climbed in beside him. 

“Come here!” he said as he opened his arms up to Gerard. 

He went willingly and let out a heavy, content breath as he felt Frank’s arms secure around him.

“It’s all gonna be ok Gee.  I promise” he yawned as he sank into the pillow and cherished the feel of Gerard in his arms.  He rocked him back and forth until he felt certain he was asleep, before finally allowing himself to do the same.  His heavy eyelids shut out the world and allowed him to fall into a blissful slumber, safe in the knowledge that his beloved Gee was right where he belonged.

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