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@Franks60thEyeLash - for you <3


Gerard felt the ground beneath him begin to crumble as he took in Lindsey's words. His head swam with the sound of blood rushing through his ears and he felt hot all at once.

His questioning face was enough for Lindsey to repeat herself, stepping towards Gerard and placing his hand on her stomach as she did.

He recoiled and jumped away from her, wide eyed and confused.

"Baby?" he simply repeated quietly.

"Yes sweetie. It's what we've always wanted" she smiled but couldn't help herself from glancing sideways towards Frank, who was just stood dumbstruck, perched against the kitchen countertop.

Gerard began to panic. He paced around the room, breathing heavily and shaking his head from side to side.

"I don't understand. I just can't...................Lindsey. What do you mean?"

"Oh Gerard" she giggled. "I know it's a shock honey. It was to me too. But you're gonna be such a great dad. Especially now you're well again" she added.

"I don't fucking believe you" came a sneer from across the room as Frank managed to compose himself and stride over to the unwelcome guest stood in his house and causing a fuck load of trouble.

"You're a fucking liar" he hissed.

"Well frankly, I don't give a shit what you believe" Lindsey fired back.

"She's lying Gee" he babbled, clearly in panic mode. "This is what she does. She'll do anything to get what she fucking wants. Don't listen to her!"

"I'm not lying Gerard" she said in a calm tone in her husband's direction. "It's true sweetie."

Gerard looked near to tears. "How?" he muttered. "We didn't, you know, have that kind of relationship......"

Lindsey just laughed. "Of course we did silly. We are married after all. You've just forgotten."

"Bullshit" Frank interjected. "He was barely fucking conscious when he was with you."

"I don't really want to be discussing our sex life in front of you, if you don't mind" Lindsey sneered.

"Well I fucking do" Frank retorted.

Gerard was breathing rapidly through his nose; just watching the two of them go at it again. He shook his head as his thoughts became a jumbled mess in his head.

"I don't remember us ever being intimate" he finally spoke.

"Of course we were honey."

"I remember all of our marriage Lindsey" he replied. "It's just before the accident that I don't. And I don't remember us sleeping together. I'm sorry, but we didn't."

"Yes Gerard. We did. So you clearly have memory issues from after the accident too. We had a fairly active sex life Gerard. Yes, you sometimes needed a helping hand, but we both have needs sweetie."

"Helping hand?" he questioned.

She quietened her voice, as if not wanting Frank to hear. "You know? Viagra?"

"Oh of course. More fuckin' pills" he jumped in.

"Shut up!" she yelled in Frank's direction. "Just shut the fuck up will you? You don't know shit. You want to believe he's been pining over you for the last two years? Pft. He doesn't give two shits about you. You're just a practical stranger to him, who's come barging into his life with your made up stories of some fucking fairytale romance you've made up in your idiot head. You hate the thought that he chose me over you when you came back begging for forgiveness. Admit it!"

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