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It had been several weeks since Gerard had returned home, and Mikey was becoming increasingly concerned each time he saw him. He had initially told him that he would be there every day, but in all honesty, that just wasn't practical. He still had work and his own family to tend to, but between him and his parents, they tried to get there at least a few times a week. It was exhausting trying to gain access into the fortress that Lindsey had created, however. She'd had more security installed, including high tech cameras and a more complex gate entry system. Still, he kind of enjoyed sitting in his car and smiling up at the cameras, all the while constantly pressing the buzzer, knowing that his sister-in-law would be scowling and cursing at him through the monitor within. It gave him a little laugh while he waited and waited for her to eventually allow him in out of sheer annoyance.

When he was finally allowed access, he would simply shove his way past Lindsey and head straight out back to where he knew his brother would be hidden away.

"Hey Gee" he smiled announcing his arrival and planting a peck on Gerard's cheek while checking out his latest drawings. He couldn't help but notice, that although they were all Killjoy related, there was only really one character that he seemed to spend any time drawing these days.

"He's looking good" Mikey smiled down at the illustration of Fun Ghoul that was coming to life on the page.

"Thanks" Gerard smiled, just finishing off some of the detail on his jacket.

"How've you been?" Mikey asked.

"M'okay" Gerard replied.

"Are you sure?"

Mikey couldn't help but notice that his brother's speech seemed a little slurred today and his eyes a little glassy.

"Mhm" Gerard nodded.

"Gee? Have you taken anything?" Mikey asked with concern.

Gerard simply shook his head.

"What's in that?" Mikey asked pointing towards the glass on the desk.

"Jus' water."

Mikey picked up the glass and sniffed it. "Did she get this for you?"

"No. I did."

"You don't look right Gee" Mikey told him warily. "Are you sure you haven't taken anything?"

"It's just water from the refrigerator Mikey" Gerard snapped. "Stop stressin' will you?"

"Show me!" Mikey demanded, standing and gesturing for Gerard to do the same.

He gave a little huff before rolling his eyes and returning to the house. He opened up the refrigerator revealing a tall water dispenser on the top shelf.

"See. Just water!" Gerard said sarcastically.

"Get rid of it!" Mikey insisted, dragging the plastic container from the shelf and heading over to the sink.

"Seriously Mikes?"

"Yes Gerard. Seriously" he countered. "This thing is probably loaded up with all kinds of shit and you're just merrily drinking it. What the fuck man!"

Gerard looked saddened by his brother's tone. He felt like he was such a disappointment to him and couldn't even be trusted to fetch himself a drink.

"I'm sorry" he simply said.

Mikey sighed. "No, I'm sorry Gee. I just worry you know. This isn't right. You living here with that fucking psycho. I can't get hold of you most of the time because you've 'lost' your phone. You're becoming more and more withdrawn every time I do see you. And you look beyond miserable all the time, just sitting in your fucking den drawing Frank. Why? I don't understand?"

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