Chapter 64. Daniel

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I still can't believe I agreed to fly to Switzerland on this creep's handout. I researched the place at home, and what was my surprise when I found out that he had booked one single and one double room. So if I refused, he'd be climbing into bed with Alex? I don't think Max would have been very eager to sleep in the same bed with her. That was Anton's plan, though. Jerk. I wonder if Alex would have let him share a bed with her?

The thought of his sweaty hands touching her beautiful body makes me want to vomit. Or punch someone.

The stewardess finishes showing the safety rules, and the plane begins to move toward the runway. Max looks out the window, but it seems that he is about to turn off. His neighbour is looking at his tablet, sipping champagne. Alex and I sit on the next row. How great is it to fly business class after all.

As the plane begins to take off, I see how she closes her eyes and shrinks into the seat.

- Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of flying? - I ask her.

- Because I'm not afraid of flying, - she lies without unclenching her fingers. - I'm afraid when the plane leaves the ground and when it touches the ground on landing. I can't help it. I feel like the landing gear will hit a pebble, that it will tilt the plane, and it will crash.

- Heh, - it's really funny. Pebble.

- Hey, don't laugh, - she pats my shoulder playfully and looks away a little.

- Come here, - I put my arm around her shoulders. - It'll be all right, we're going on vacation. Soon we'll fly into the mountains, into winter, into your favourite snow.

- Oh yes, how I miss the snow! Thank you for agreeing to fly with us, - she says a little softer.

- I have to ask you something. I can't help asking, - I need to know the answer to a question that's been haunting me. - If I said no, and Anton had come with you, would you have let him into your bed? - I ask. God knows I'm tensing wildly inside at this point. I need an answer, but I'm not ready to hear it.

- Who do you take me for? Of course I don't. He'd stay in one room, Max and I in another. We'd just ask for a room with two beds. It's no big deal. We'd figure it out on the spot. But no, of course not. What's the matter with you? What kind of blind jealousy do you have towards Anton all the time? - Alex resents.

- Are you sure I have to explain? He's just waiting for the right moment to get you into bed. He's been dreaming of bringing you back, - I feel the rage rising up inside me. How I hate him. If Alex knew what a lying bastard he is, what he says when she's not around. But she blindly believes in his nobility and ridiculous friendship. Heh, like she doesn't know that such a friendship exists while one friend secretly wants the other.

Alex rolls her eyes, "enough already" she says and puts her head on my shoulder, stroking my hand.

- If you don't trust him, trust me,- she adds. I nod silently.

The rest of the flight passes quietly. Alex sleeps on my shoulder, and I take a little nap myself. A night flight is always quieter.

The stewardess announces the beginning of landing. We open our eyes, rubbing our hands after an uncomfortable position. Alex smiles and turns to the window. The sunrise in the mountains from the airplane looks amazing. I pull out my phone and take a picture. It's worth it, for real.

We get out of the airplane, wrapping ourselves more tightly in our jackets. Alex pulls a huge scarf out of her bag and wraps it around her neck, covering her nose so only her eyes stick out. I pull my hat out of my pocket and pull the hood tighter, but it's obviously not enough. The frost tingles my cheeks.

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