Chapter 32. Daniel

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Three weeks later.

She didn't return my call until the fifth day. She said she is dealing with a lot of problems and would tell me everything when she arrives. She refused any help from me. She was so distant, so alien. I couldn't find my place. I broke all the dishes in the house. Bought new ones. I broke it too. I fought with the guys. We made up and fought again. I was strained by obscurity and an incomprehensible sense of guilt, which should have been and should not be at the same time. I still didn't know what had happened to her.

Three days later she called herself. She said she misses me. She stopped being angry and calmed down. Said everything had worked out for the best, and now she is getting ready to move out. We talked half the night about everything but the main thing.

That jerk Anton had found her a flat. Not far from me, by the way. I don't know if it was coincidence or if she decided to be closer. All this time I missed her. I was working double time and blowing off steam on the punching bag. Weird, yeah. We have so little in common with Alex, but I don't want to give up on her.

I watch her social media. Every day. But she doesn't talk about much, mostly some work posts. I can see how her audience has grown, and how many comments have started popping up asking about us. But she ignores them. She's holding up.

She arrived yesterday. She texted me this morning and made an appointment to meet me. In the same cafe where we were going for the last time. She asked us all to come. I'm freaking out. It's my Alex. The woman who writhed beneath me, who kissed me furiously and fell asleep in my arms. Or is she a predator after all? One wrong move and you're gone.

I meet Liam not far from the cafe. I carry in my hands the little bouquet I bought on the way.

- Are you nervous? - Liam asks, assessing my appearance and paying particular attention to the flowers in my hands.

- Like a schoolboy, - I answer honestly.

- Tyler? - he asks.

- Already there, with Janine and Stella, - I answer. I wish I knew what Alex was up to.

We walk up to the door of the cafe. I can see her through the glass from the street. Her hair is pulled back into a bun, exposing her neck, and her delicate pink blouse opens up her shoulder, continuing the incredibly inviting curves. A calm warm smile settles on her face. She's showing the guys something on her phone.

I sigh deeply and Liam and I walk inside. There are very few people in the cafe, just some teenagers hanging out at the counter. She notices me and smiles broadly. It's my Alex sitting in front of me after all. I take a step towards her and kiss her. Her kiss is so low-key, like she's fighting herself. She pulls away and looks at me with her blue eyes.

- This is for you, - I say and hand her the flowers. She inhales their scent and smiles contentedly.

There is a Russian speech next to the counter, and then this uncle says "Mum". She turns around and replies something to the big man.

- Mum?!!!! - Liam and I ask together.

- Is it just me, or has the big guy now turned to you? - Liam repeats the question.

- Yes, - she nods. The guy approaches us with a couple of mugs of coffee. - Meet Max, my son.

To say we're stunned is nothing to say.

- We all had faces like that 20 minutes ago, - Tyler laughs.

We shake the kid's hand automatically, still not believing our eyes. He's taller than Alex, about my height. I peer into his face. They have similar features. The kid looks at me with Alex's eyes, brushing his blond hair from his forehead.

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