1: Not as innocent as you thought

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This story is for me, but I'm sharing it because I got nun better to do. Please note that I am a Major simp of Flippy and Fliqpy and no idc if they are murderous unstable bears. If ya got a problem with what I'm writing, just leave and don't read. This story will contain foul language, violence, smut, consistent flirting, weird moments, and some of it may also not make any sense. Viewer discretion is advised. Also, Speckles is a character I have made up so see the pic at the top for what she looks like. I can't draw very well on a small screen, so gacha is gonna have to do. Anyway, enjoy!

Speckles wakes up on a recliner. She looks around sleepily, checking her surroundings. She has fallen asleep again in Flippys house, but where was Flippy? She decides to get up and stretch, then look for Flippy.

"Flippy? Where are you?"

A voice came from the kitchen.

"I'm over here! You fell asleep again, and I didn't wanna wake ya up..."

The green bear exits the kitchen and walks over to Speckles.

"So I left ya to sleep. How was it?"

Speckles was still half asleep, so she didn't comprehend the question very well.

"How was what?"

Flippy smiled softly at Speckles and laughed a bit.

"Your sleep silly. I know that recliner isn't the best to sleep on."

Speckles rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"It was fine. Sorry that I fell asleep again. I've been not getting a lot of rest lately..."

Flippy's smile shortens a bit and he looks at Speckles with slight worry.

"Your sleep paralysis again? Have you been not taking your medicines again?"

Speckles looks away, guilty. This wasn't the first time she didn't take her prescriptions. And everytime she didn't, she would be thrown into a paralysis dream again. Speckles didn't like to take her meds alot because it makes her feel very sick and light headed. Flippy sighed at Speckles silent response.

"I don't like taking my meds either. But it helps me with my PTSD. We take medicine for a reason Specks."

Speckles looks at Flippy still very guilty.

"I know...it just makes me so sick when I take em."

Flippy smiles a bit and holds up chocolate. (I know Flippy is allergic to chocolate but he keeps some for Speckles so he can bribe her to take her meds ok-)

"Tell ya what...if you go and take your medicine, I'll let you have this chocolate bar. Deal?"

Speckles looks at the chocolate and groans a bit.

"You and your bribing with chocolate. Fine. I'll go take my medicine."

Flippy smiles proudly as Speckles goes to Flippys bathroom to take her meds. Flippy always kept an extra bottle for Speckles for reasons such as this. Speckles had a lot of mental problems, including depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, and Renfield syndrome (obsessed with drinking blood). Flippy has been helping her control her mental disorders, same vice versa. After a few minutes, Speckles exits the bathroom back to Flippy and smiles innocently.

"I took em. Now can I have my chocolate?"

Flippy gives Speckles her chocolate with a smile.

"Yep! So, what do you want to do today?"

Speckles wouldn't mind to stay inside and chill, but she decides against it. She didn't want to be seen as boring to Flippy, since she has liked him for many Years.

Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now