7: Hidden Secrets and Feelings

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Speckles woke up in her bed with the Sun shining down on her. She sat up and yawned, wiping her eyes free from the sleep. After a few seconds of letting her eyes adjust, she gets up from the bed and walks to the bathroom to do her morning routine. Before she took her medicine, she looked in the mirror. It was just her looking at herself, then her eyes flashed red and Speckles quickly slammed the mirror closed, breaking the mirror.


She took her medicines and exit the bathroom. Speckles went to the stairs and went down them, noticing Flippy was asleep on her couch. She tilted her head in confusion and surprise. Flippy has never came over to her house and spent the night. She went to him and gently started to wake him. Flippy groaned awake, opening his eyes slightly and looking at Speckles.


"...what happened last night..? I don't remember....last thing i remember-"

Speckles cut herself off as a sharp flashback entered her mind. It was of Fliqpy and Speviles. Her ears went down and Flippy sat up, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"I don't remember either....did we drink or something..?"

".....no we didn't..we would have a Major hangover if we did."

Speckles pushed the flashback out of her mind and her ears went back up. She smiled at Flippy, blushing slightly.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"Sure. What ya have in mind?"

(Me 😏 jk jk-) Speckles thought for a moment. Then a bang sound came from the basement. Speckles jumped a bit at the bang sound, so did Flippy.

"Did you hear that?"


Speckles goes to the basement door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Hm..- it's locked."

Speviles flashed in Speckles mind and made her let go of the handle. Speckles shook her head.

"You okay? Have you taken your medicines?"

"Yeah. I guess I'm still tired...."

Speckles walked away from the basement and went into the kitchen. Flippy got up and stretched to wake up his body.

After breakfast...
Speckles was cleaning the dishes and Flippy was walking around, looking at everything Speckles owned. Speckles picked up a knife from the water and stared at it in silence. Her eyes started to turn red, but she shook her head to clear her mind. She cleaned the knife and put it away in the dishdrainer. After a few minutes, she turned off the faucet and dried her hands. She then walked out of the kitchen and found Flippy holding a school picture. Speckles gasped and ran to him, grabbing the picture. Flippy jumped in surprise.

"Oh! I see you're done with the dishes. Hey, what's that photo? It seems to be important to you..."

Speckles puts the photo back in a box that had little clothes pieces in it. She shuts the box and puts it away.

"Don't go snooping in my things Flippy!"

Flippy was silent. He's never seen Speckles act in such a manner over something. He looked away.

"Sorry. I was just curious."

Speckles sighed to calm down her racing heart.

"It's fine....Its just...that stuff is VERY important to me....for reasons I cannot say."

Flippy looked back at Speckles: ...something about her past has to be with this. But why would she be so possessive of it? She's never snapped at me like that...

"I understand. I won't ask any questions..."

Speckles smiled and hugged Flippy.

"Sorry for snapping at you. I didn't mean to.."

"I-its fine really...I just wasn't expecting it is all..^^"

Speckles unhugs Flippy and grabs his hand, leading him away from the box. Fliqpy was speaking in Flippys mind.

"What is she hiding..?"

Flippy decided to ignore Fliqpy and push him from his mind. Speckles was walking outside with Flippy.

"Where are we going?"

"Just to see if any of our friends are out and about. Don't wanna spend all day in the house do we?"

Flippy smiled slightly, silent. Lifty and Shifty ran past Speckles and Flippy, laughing and carrying bags of money. Lumpy had a cop car and zoomed by with the sirens blaring. Flippy covered his ears and started to panic. Speckles realized his panic attack and held him in a tight embrace, covering his ears for him. Her voice could still be heard through her hands.

"It's okay...they're gone now."

Flippy started to calm down, his cheeks getting a bit red. Speckles removed her hands when the sirens faded away from Flippys earshot and she fixed his hat, giving a big bright smile.

"See? Everything is okay!"

Flippys cheeks grew more red and his heart started to pound. Flippy also had a crush over Speckles since he could remember. He never confessed because he was afraid Fliqpy might hurt her, or she would hate him eventually. But lately, he's noticed that Speckles didn't have a single scratch on her, even with all his flip outs recently.

"Hey, yknow Fliqpy?"

"Yeah? What about him?"

"How come he didn't kill you? I mean...you have been around him haven't you..?"

Speckles went silent and her smile went away.

"....I have been. I'm always with you Flippy. And always will be. You're my best friend and I'm not gonna leave you if you need me. Even if i want to..^^"

Flippy turned more red and smiled, letting out a small laugh. The question still lingered though.

What was she hiding and why hasn't Fliqpy killed her yet?

Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now