18: I'm sorry

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Speckles explained her fight with Fliqpy to Flaky. Flaky looked away anxiously and listened to the whole story. When Speckles got done saying what had happened, Flaky smiled and glanced at Speckles.

"F-Flippy is a nice person....His alter ego, F-Fliqpy, not so much...b-but I know that he loves you just the same....th-that fight you two had was because y-you were angry, right..?"

Speckles nodded.

"Yeah....I wish I didn't be so mean to him though...he was only trying to help and I blew off at him...."

"Th-then go apologize...saying sorry could help w-with things...I-I'm sure he will understand..."

Speckles smiled and hugged Flaky, making her tense up slightly. Flaky calmed down and hugged back.

"Thank you for talking to me....I'm sorry I was so mean to you..."

"I-It's okay..! I understand...^^"

Speckles unhugs Flaky and got up.

"Could you help me back to town at least..? I sorta got lost, heheh."

Flaky nodded and got up, leading Speckles back to town. By the time they got there, it was dark. Flaky waved bye to Speckles and ran off back to her house. Speckles looked around, feeling a bit uneasy about the dark and being alone. She started to walk home, hoping to make it back before it got too dark. The sun setted fully behind the horizon and the moon wasn't seen. It was a cloudy night because of the storms and rain. Speckles couldn't see, so she was terrified. She talked to herself to help keep her mind from the fact she's in the dark alone, but it wasn't doing much. Speckles started to cry and she sat down on her knees, covering her face.

"Flippy! I'm sorry!"

Lumpy came with a lantern and tapped on Speckles shoulder. She jumped and backed up quickly.

"Doops, didn't mean to scare ya. What ya doing in here in the light?"

Speckles looked at Lumpy in silence, crying. Lumpy frowned and picked up Speckles, comforting her.

"I shall take ya back home ^^"

Lumpy carried Speckles to a house, but it wasn't hers. It was Flippys. He set her down and waved bye then went inside his trailer. Speckles looked at Flippys house and through the Windows. Flippy was sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest. He looked like he was crying. Speckles sighed and opened the door, walking into the house. Flippy looked over at Speckles and his ears shot up. He ran to Speckles and hugged her.

"I'm sorry!"

Speckles hugged back and started to cry, happy now that she was back with Flippy.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up on you....you were only trying to help."

Flippy hugged Speckles tightly and kissed her cheek.

"I forgive you. Let's not fight like that again, okay?"

"Yeah...I-I just got so angry and I didn't know what I was saying..."

Flippy smiled and wiped her tears.

"I know. That's why I'm not too upset!"

Flippy held Speckles hands and walked her over to his bedroom.

"It's late, so we should go to sleep. Tomorrow will be better than today, I promise! ^^"

Speckles smiled and slightly blushed.


They both snuggled up to each other and went to sleep. The next day Flippy woke up with Speckles holding onto his arm, still asleep. Flippy slightly blushed and he kissed her head, gently taking his arm from her. He got up out of bed and did his morning routine then went to the kitchen and made breakfast. Speckles woke up a few minutes later and sat up, stretching. She got up out of bed and sleepily walked to where Flippy was.

"Morning Specks. Do you want some eggs and toast? I made some!"

Speckles smiled, still half asleep.


The two ate and then a knock came from Flippys door. Flippy got up and answered it. Bonnie was there with a Green and white bear with a leaf on his head.

"Hey Bonnie! Who's this?"

"This is Maks! We were wondering if you guys would like to hangout?"

Speckles, now awake, jumped up and hugged Maks. Flippy could feel a bit of jealousy, but he puts it to the side.

"Maks! I missed you!"

Maks laughed a bit and hugged back.

(I'm running out of fonts- 🥲 TOO MANY CHARACTERS-)
"Hey Speckles. How you been doing?"

Speckles unhugged Maks and smiled happily, holding hands with Flippy. Flippys jealousy went down and he slightly blushed.

"Fine! This is my boyfriend, Flippy."

Flippy gave a tiny wave and Maks waved back. Bonnie stepped into Flippys house and Maks followed.

"Damn, your boyfriend is STACKED. How'd you get all this stuff?"

Speckles closed the door as Flippy went to go and talk to Bonnie and Maks.

"The military has some good benefits to it I guess."

Speckles got a message on her phone from an unknown number. She looked at the message and it read: come outside alone or ur bf gets shot. Speckles ears go down and she looked at Flippy and at how happy he was right now. She looked back at the message and crept outside, alone. Houston was by the wall with a glock in his hand. Speckles looked at the gun and gulped, looking back at Houston in fear.

"Listen here, slut. Either you come with me and let me do as I please, or I will kill everyone you care about right in front of you. Understand?"

Speckles was shaking. She nodded and looked down quietly.

"Good girl....now come to your 'master'...~"

(Don't take that out of context ppl- >=|)

Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now