9: Past unfolding

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Bonnie got up and shook her head. Flippy remained silent and still to not trigger Speviles into attacking again.

"Long time no see Specks...I see you changed a lot. "

Speviles was too shocked to speak for a second.

"How are you still alive?!"

"Well after you went buck shit crazy on the whole school after that dumbass prank, I hid with Maks in a storage closet that you.....yknow..."

Flippy was so confused and shocked, he didn't know what to say. He just listened some and Fliqpy spoke in his mind.

"Maybe if we stay, we will find out about Specks past..."

Speviles scoffed and turned away from Bonnie.

"I am not gonna have a conversation about high school...I'd rather slit my throat than to rego through all that again.."

Flippy started to calm himself down as Speviles and Bonnie talked. Speviles eyes started to turn back brown.

"I know it sucks since you almost killed me and Maks. We were very lucky to survive against you. Do you even remember it all?"

"No...and I don't want to remember so you don't have to waste your breath reminding me.."

Speviles walked away with a growl and sat by a tree, her eyes returning back to brown. Flippy walked over to Bonnie.

"You knew Specks back in high school..?"

"Of course I did....who wouldn't? She's been known through out her whole high school year's as a slut because she had fallen for people too easily and fast."

Flippy could not believe what he was hearing. Speckles being called such names was not okay!

"....She's been worrying me about something. I want to know what she's hiding, but she won't tell me..."

Bonnie looked at Speckles who was asleep against the tree now. She then looked back at Flippy with a smile.

"As long as you can keep her secret and not leave her because of it....you know, she didn't have a lot of friends then. She did talk a lot about you though, that's for sure..^^"

Flippy blushed slightly, but his curiosity and worry about Speckles shoved that blushing away.

"I won't ever leave her. She's done so much for me and plus...I don't think i want to leave her.."

Bonnie smiled.

"Good! Then let's walk over to Speckles house and we will talk there."

Flippy nodded and walked over to Speckles to wake her up and walk home. Speckles sleepily got up and Flippy grabbed her hand to walk home. They got to the house and Speckles was in her bed, taking a nap. (Even though she literally woke up not too long ago-) Flippy and Bonnie were in the living room. Bonnie forund the box and opened it.

"...I see she hasn't really forgotten what was done to her."

Flippy looked in the box with Bonnie, picking up the photo that Speckles snatched from him.

"What is this photo about? She got really upset when I had it in my hands...I've never seen her so upset..."

Bonnie walks over to the couch with the box and Flippy followed. They sat down to talk about Speckles past.

"Speckles was HEAVILY bullied....these were her classmates. How long has she been here in this town of yours?"

"About 3 months since she moved here. That was a very happy day to see my best friend again..^^"

Bonnie got the tattered clothing and looked at them.

"How was she heavily bullied? Did they hit her?"

Bonnie shook her head quietly.

"No...far worse. It was a mixture of things. They would hit and criticize her because she was a pushover."

Flippy could feel a bit of anger start to swell up. They hit her and worse?

"...how does she have Speviles? She didn't always have her.."

Bonnie went silent. She didn't want to answer the question with too much detail.

"There was a massacre at the school she went to. That massacre was caused by a prank that had hurt her beyond repair..."

(Warning! Mentions of suicide and rape- btw this didn't happen to me irl luckily) Bonnie sighed and Flippy listened with Fliqpys ghost right beside him. Fliqpy was silent for once.

"...back in high school, she fell in love with somebody. Well, Speckles was seen as a joke, so this somebody was bullied for being the 'love life' of Speckles. That person had enough with the bullying and made a deal with three guys that was touchy on Speckles. And by touchy I mean they would try to Rizz her up. Of course that didn't work and only made Speckles uncomfortable with being touched."

So that's why Speckles doesn't like being touched without permission. These guys were the problem for it. Fliqpy growled.

"I'm going to kill those bastards..."

Flippy ignored Fliqpy as the story went on.

"Those guys made a deal with Speckles high school lover. The deal was if he could just shove her in a room with the three alone and guarded the door, his rumor about him and Speckles would be put to a halt. So....this lover shoved Speckles into a storage closet with the three and locked the door...."

Bonnie's ears started to remember Speckles screams.

"....She hates the dark because she couldn't see those guys, but she could definitely feel them.....they messed with her and beat her until she broke. That's when Speviles was made..."

They raped her?! Why would anyone do such a thing?! Flippys anger rose up more.

"She snapped and killed the three guys. Then busted out of the closet. She looked horrifying, covered in blood and with tattered clothing. The three guys all had their hands chopped off and in their mouths....Speviles eyes were as black as night and she attacked the entire school, brutally killing everyone....Dont EVER talk to her about it. She hates her past and was hurting so bad then...I had to stop her from doing something drastic."

Flippy was silent. He was angry at those people in the school, but since Speviles had killed them all, he couldn't do anything.

"The school still stands....it was left abandoned after the massacre. What was terrifying though, was that all the bodies disappeared before an investigation came. The cops said that it's like the students just disappeared into thin air, not a single blood spot left behind. She cleaned up after herself....we can sneak out and go back to there so you could get a better understanding if you want..."

Flippy looked away and put the photo back in the box. No wonder why Speckles didn't want to talk about her past. However, Flippy wanted to learn as much as he could about her past so he could help her more.

"Then let's go while she's still asleep..."

Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now