5: Over Dominating

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~Few hours later~
(Btw, Speviles turned back to Speckles-)

Speckles sits on her couch watching anime (I'm an anime freak ik-) with a weak look. She had woken up from a nap not too long ago. The medicine was working well, but she was also becoming a bit lightheaded. Speckles groaned and put a hand on her temples, massaging them.

"Nn... My head hurts so bad..."

Speckles gets up from her comfy couch to go to the kitchen. She opened a cabnet above the sink and grabbed a pill bottle. It was Tylenol. She opened the bottle and gets two pills, swallowing them and then putting the bottle back in its original place in the cabnet. Speckles groans again as she heard knocks coming from her door.


She walks to the door and opens it to find Fliqpy there. Speckles eyes widened and she slowly backed up. Fliqpy looked at Speckles with a grin.

"What's the matter..? You weren't too scared of me earlier... Do you even remember what happened..?"

Speckles begins to shake. She did remember...

"W-what do you want..?"

Fliqpy smiled more and came in the house, shoving Speckles to the side. He looked around as if he was scanning the area. Speckles was very lightheaded and was more wobbly. She looked as if she was drunk. Fliqpy looked back at Speckles, looking her up and down.

"Are you drunk..? You're very.. Wobbly-"

"I didn't drink... Why are you here..?"

Fliqpy walked over to Speckles with a smile as she began to back up more as he got closer.

"I met Speviles earlier... I want to see her again and you're going to let me.."

He grabbed Speckles by the collar of her shirt and put a knife to her throat. Speckles froze and looked at Fliqpy with fear, but it quickly turned to anger. Her eyes lit up red and she growled at Fliqpy. (Bitch is bipolar so-) Fliqpy grinned a bit as he remembered the same red eyes that made him nervous.

"You have two seconds to unhand me before I really hurt you..Fliqpy.."

Fliqpy backed off and put his knife away. Speviles found this weird of him, since she did stalk him. It was abnormal of Fliqpy to not try to kill someone in his sights immediately.

"....what do you want..?"

"I want you to do more killing with me.. And that's an order.."

Speviles smiled and scoffed, then grabbed Fliqpy by his jaw aggressively.

"I don't take orders... I'm the one who gives them... So you will obey me..~"

Fliqpy slightly blushed at this order. He's never had anyone over dominate him, so it was a new experience. Speviles let's go of Fliqpy and patted his head.

"Good boy..~ now since I'm..well the way i am... I agree to go on a killing date... But I'm in charge and you will listen and do as I say... Got that..?"

Fliqpy looked away and growled, angry that he's having to submit to Speviles. He still nodded in understanding. Speviles smile widens as Fliqpy submitted to her.

"Now.. Let's play a game.. Whoever kills the victim first, will be stabbed very slowly..~"

Fliqpy looked at Speviles sadistic smile, not complaining with this game. He grabbed his knife and smiled as well.

"Deal.. Who's our victim then..?"

Speviles was enjoying the submission too much and wanted to make the game more difficult for Fliqpy.

"The victim will be Mime... I have seen how you act around him and it seems like he annoys you... So it will be harder for you to not kill him on the spot correct..?~"

Fliqpy growls at the fact that she knew who he hated the most. He wasn't too surprised though.. Girl did stalk him.

"Is that all we are gonna do..? Just torture and kill Mime..?"

"Oh.. That is only part of what we are goin to do..~"

Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now