17: The fight

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Flippy ran into the crowd after Speckles, but the man was too quick and there was too many critters in the way.


Speckles eyes turned red and she stabbed the man in the back. The man dropped Speckles and fell on his knees.


Speviles quickly crawled back and looked at the man. Flippy was lost in the crowd, trying to look for her. The man's hood came down and surely enough, it was Houston. A blonde ferret with blue eyes. He looked back at Speviles and growled, his face and neck covered in scars. Speviles heart dropped and she held her switch blade tightly, quickly getting up. Houston also got up and grabbed Speviles wrist. Speviles bit Houston's hand and tore a piece of his skin, but Houston didn't let go. His grip only got tighter to where Speviles dropped her blade. She tugged and yanked, trying to get away.


"Never!! You are coming with me!!"

Houston dragged Speviles through the crowd and threw her to a tree. Speviles hit the tree extremely hard and coughed, the wind being knocked out of her lungs. Houston then grabbed Speviles hair and dragged her in the dirt. Speviles winced and whimpered in pain, but fought back. She scratched Houston on the back of his legs and kicked out his knees. Houston fell to the ground and punched Speviles, causing her mouth to be busted open. He then started to beat her, pinning her to the ground. Speviles eyes started to become....darker? Her eyes were a dark red now and she grabbed Houston's head, smashing it into the tree trunk until his head seeped out blood. Fliqpy came out of the crowd and saw Speviles and Houston fighting. He ran to the two with his knife. However, before he could kill Houston, Speviles had smashed his head open. She picked up a rock and smashed it into the back of Houston's head, killing him. Fliqpy stayed back, watching with a nervous look. This was brutal. Speviles kept smashing the rock until Houston's head was flat and nothing but blood and crushed bones. She was covered in blood and a dead, empty glare was set on Houston. If this was how Speviles acted on red eyes....then how did she act with black eyes?

"Spevs...thats enough. He's dead."

Speviles kept smashing Houston's head wig the rock, blood splashing on her. Fliqpy put his knife back in its holder and grabbed Speviles arms to stop her. Speviles growled and glared at Fliqpy with her dark red eyes.

"Calm down...he's dead."

Speviles kept growling and she jerked her hands, but Fliqpy had a firm grip on her. Fliqpy growled back.

"I said, STOP SPEVILES!!!"

Speviles froze and stopped growling. Her ears went down slightly and her eyes turned back to its normal bright red. She looked at Houston who was below her and his crushed head.

"Are you calm now..? See he's dead. You killed him."

Speviles stayed silent, staring at Houston with rage and hatred. Fliqpy helped Speviles up and wiped some of the blood off of her face.

"You didn't have to brutally smash his head into the ground. Killing him is good enough.."

Speviles growled, snatching her arms back.

"It is never enough!! I fuckin chopped off his head and smashed his whole body, yet he's still fuckin here!!!"

Fliqpy could see how furious Speviles was and so he remained silent, allowing her to just yell at him.

"I want him fuckin dead!!! Forever!! I want him to burn in hell with all his bitch ass friends and be tortured for the rest of eternity!! How would you feel if someone you absolutely hated came back to life?!"

Fliqpy sighed and looked away.

"Am I boring you?! Because I can make things interesting on my side if I am!!"

"You are not boring me...I just don't want to fight over this, so I'm staying quiet and letting you yell a bit."

Speviles growled and she grabbed Fliqpys shirt aggressively. Fliqpy looked back at Speviles and growled.

"Let go of me."

Speviles kept growling and holding onto Fliqpys shirt tightly. She let go and shoved Fliqpy. The crowd had ran away when Speviles killed Houston. Fliqpy fixed his shirt and glared at Speviles.

"I didn't do shit to you...I was even kind enough to let you scream at me...so don't go attacking me.."

Speviles growled and stepped closer to Fliqpy.

"I do as I want....if you can't handle that, then you can forget about loving me....I warned you when I said that my love is rough....and you said you could take it..."

Fliqpy growled at Speviles and shoved her away from him.

"I don't know what your fuckin problem is, but it's not me!"

Speviles yelled at him, arguing and fighting with him.


Fliqpy stopped growling, being hurt by her words. He then fought back.



Then Speviles shoved past Fliqpy extremely hard and ran into the woods. Fliqpy stumbled and looked at where Speviles ran off to. He growled and kicked Houston's body.


Speviles ran into the woods for some minutes until she got tired of running. She growled and punched a tree angrily.

"Fuck!! Why can't I just have a normal fuckin life?! I'm always fuckin up shit!! And now Fliqpy probably hates me because i was so fuckin angry!"

Speviles slid down the trunk of the tree and looked around, slowly calming down. Her ears went down and it started to rain, soaking Speviles. She groaned and laid her head down in her arms. After a few hours passed, the rain subsidded and it was getting dark. Speckles eyes were back to normal but she had been crying.

"I hate myself..."

A rustling noise came from a bush and Speckles jumped, looking over at the moving bush. Flaky came out of the bush and stopped in front of Speckles.


"S-sorry...I just heard crying and I came to find out who it was....a-are you okay..?"

Speckles eyes teared up. How could she hate such a innocent girl?

"No I am not okay..."

Flaky sat down beside Speckles and smiled slightly.

"Y-you can talk to me....maybe it would make you feel better..!"

Speckles smiled slightly and nodded.


Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now