2: no witnesses...

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Flippy was so shocked, he couldn't speak. Giggles noticed Flippys strange behavior and got up to see what's wrong. Flaky knew what happened, and had ran away. Speviles continued to smile at Flippy, enjoying the look of fear in his face. The crying child stopped as Giggles helped the child out. The young critter got up and ran away and Giggles turned to look at Speviles.

"I thought you were gonna help the poor child? Why did you stop?"

Giggles didn't realize Speviles eyes and had believed that she was still Speckles. Speviles looks at Giggles and slowly moved her hand into her skirt pocket, where a concealed switch blade was being stored.

"Sorry... I got a bit distracted..."

Flippy was frozen in shock and fear, so he couldn't warn Giggles of the danger she was in. Speviles started to walk over to Giggles and then plunged her knife into Giggles chest. Giggles eyes widens and she coughed up blood as she gripped onto the knife handle that was now bloody with her blood. Speviles smiled hungrily and sadistically as she twisted the blade in Giggles chest. Flippy was oddly silent even though his friend was literally being killed by his best friend right before his eyes. Speviles took the blade out and licked it clean of the blood, then turns and faces Flippy.

"Oops... I accidentally killed her infront of you... Well.. No witnesses am I right..? Or will you flip before I can plunge this knife into your skin..? Don't worry.. I won't kill ya... The worst I'll do... Is just kidnap ya and make sure that you don't tell anyone..! Hehe..!"

Flippy growled and then pain was felt in Speviles cheek. Flippy had flipped and was holding a knife that had a bit of blood on it. Speviles reached her hand to the cut on her cheek and smiled.

"Well... That didn't take too long..~"

Fliqpy growled at Speviles and glared at her with his yellow eyes.

"Listen bitch... I don't care if you're a killer as well... You are still my enemy... Meaning I need to kill you..."

Fliqpy swung his knife at Speviles neck, but only grazed it because Speviles had dodged the attack. Fliqpy growled angrily and gripped his knife tighter. Speviles only smiled at Fliqpy with pure excitement.

"Did you really think I'd let you strike me that easily..? Hehe... I make sure to put up a good fight before I die...~"

Speviles felt the adrenaline start to rush through her veins. She hasn't ever found a worthy opponent, but she may have now. Fliqpy only growled furiously at Speviles, angry that he had missed. Then he smiled.

"Fine... If it's a fight you're looking for.. Then bring it on.."

Speviles smile widens and she gripped her knife tightly.


Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now