16: Too Many People!

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Speckles was back asleep on the couch and Flippy stayed by her side. He's never seen her break down as bad as she did. Bonnie had went back home after giving him permission to kill Houston. Speckles started to wake up again and she looked at Flippy.


"Yes Specks..?"

"You won't leave me again...will you?"

"Never again. I swear on my life."

Speckles smiled slightly and held Flippys hand. Flippy blushed slightly, smiling at seeing her smile.

"....do you really love me?"

Flippys blushing got worse and he kissed Speckles head.

"I really do. And I would do anything for you to be happy."

Speckles smiled more and blushed.

"Giggles and Petunia would be super happy to know that we confessed.."

Flippy smiled and the negative aura started to lift.

"Well, technically our evil sides confessed to each other, but same thing heheh."

Speckles giggled and she sat up, done with her nap. Flippy got up from the floor and stretched to get his legs to wake up.

"Are we a couple now then?"

"Only if you want to be."

Speckles smiled and kissed Flippy.

"Does that tell you what I want?"

Flippy turned red and nodded. Speckles giggled, her mind completely clear from Houston.

"You're so cute when you're flustered!"

"A-am I really? Heheh!"

Speckles nods and got up from the couch.

"Very. Anyway, wanna go to the park? The girls might be there."

"Sure. It wouldn't hurt to go see our friends."

The two walked to the park and found Giggles and Petunia. Petunia was with Handy and Giggles with Cuddles. Flippy and Speckles walked to the four. Giggles realized Flippy and Speckles were holding hands and quickly got Petunia's attention.

"Look! They're holding hands!"

Petunia turned and looked at the two, squealing when she noticed their hands.

"Omg! Did you two finally confess?! Are you dating now?!"

Speckles giggled and slightly blushed.

"Yeah, we are."

Petunia and Giggles squealed and did a happy dance. Flippy smiles and watched the two bounce in excitement.

"Omg finally!!"

"Right!! You two should kiss!"

Speckles started to turn red and so did Flippy.

"R-right now?!"

Both girls nodded their head fast. Their boyfriend's blinked and watched with confused smiles. Speckles sighed and turned to Flippy, giving him a kiss on his cheek. But that wasn't enough for the girls.

"The lips! You gotta kiss him on the lips!"

Speckles whimpered a bit, her face completely red. Flippy kissed Speckles on the lips and the girls squealed. Speckles melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Flippys neck. Cuddles and Handy both looked at each other and then walked away. Flippy and Speckles end their kiss and Speckles whimpered shyly, hiding her best red face.


Flippy laughed a bit, holding Speckles close. Flaky came over with Sniffles and Toothy. Speckles started to feel crowded with more than four to five people, so she kept her face hidden and hugged up on Flippy. Then more people started to show up. Because the girls had squealed so loudly, everyone in town came over to see what was happening. Speckles raised her head up, noticing the big crowd around her and Flippy. She stared in fear, her sight going away from reality. Those townspeople turned to students and black shadows with red eyes and a creepy smile. Speckles ears went down and she rehid her face quickly. Flippy noticed that Speckles wasn't comfortable and tried to leave, but more and more critters kept coming. Speckles whimpered.

"F-Flippy, I want to leave...!"

Flippy held Speckles close to him, the critters starting to get loud with chatter. This was the major downside of Happy Tree Town. Everybody here was always so cheerful and happy to crowd up and see something new. Speckles ears filled with the multiple voices and she started to cry.

"Flippy! I want to go!!"

Flippys eyes started to turn yellow and he growled, causing the critters to back up. He had Speckles turned away from the crowd and against him tightly.

"Everyone back the fuck up!! There's no reason to crowd around us!!"

A man in black clothing snatched Speckles away from Flippy and ran into the crowd. Flippy noticed that Speckles wasn't there and turned around to see Speckles being carried away.


Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now