3: Speviles vs. Fliqpy

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Fliqpy swung at Speviles, but was greeted with more dodging and a kick to the knee. The kick was so hard, it made Fliqpy fall to the ground, grunting in pain. However, he got back up and grabbed Speviles wrist before she stabbed him in the shoulder. Fliqpy stabbed Speviles in the side and throws her to his left. Speviles didn't show any pain, but gets the knife out and throws it at Fliqpy's arm, the knife stabbing into it.

"Agh! You bitch!"

Speviles smiles and laughs, picking herself up off the grass with her side bleeding. Fliqpy yanked the knife out of his arm and charged at Speviles. Speviles dropped down to the ground and had grabbed Fliqpy's feet, throwing him over her head and crashing into the ground face first.

"Watch your mouth..~"

Fliqpy tries to get up, but was pinned aggressively into the dirt. Speviles was ontop of him, holding him down. She brought her switch blade to Fliqpy's skin and applied pressure slowly, to make sure the pain was felt slowly. Fliqpy struggled and kicked back, trying to buck Speviles off, but Speviles remained on top. Fliqpy growled very loudly and angrily as pain started to sink in.


Speviles smiles and her red eyes were fixated to the blood that began to pour out of the open new wounds.

"Hehe.. You bleed so pretty like...~ I just want a taste..~"

Fliqpy grunted and freed one of his hands, clawing Speviles and causing her to fall off of him. Speviles was smiling and laughing. Fliqpy got up and for once, he looked actually nervous.

"Fuckin insane bitch!"

Speviles only smiled, but she remained on the ground with her legs under her as she sat and looked at Fliqpy with pure enjoyment.

"But you are too! And... Also a hypocrite..~"

Fliqpy growls and starts to back away from Speviles, still keeping his eyes on her and his guard up.

"Why didn't you take the final blow?! You could have slit my throat and killed me easily!!"

"Because of how mad you are getting at the fact that I didn't..~ plus... Where's the fun in just immediately killing your victims..? I like to make them suffer first..~"

Fliqpy was furious, but also nervous. Speviles didn't show anything other than enjoyment.

"I don't give a damn about what you like to do..."

Speviles remained sitting with a smile on her face. Fliqpy spat and turned his back to Speviles, starting to walk away from her. Speviles got up and grabbed Fliqpy by the arm and yanked him to the ground. Fliqpy looked up at Speviles with a nervous growl and didn't try to get up. Speviles just stared at Fliqpy with her red eyes creepily.

"And where do you think you're going..? I said no witnesses.."

Fliqpy sat up a bit.

"I'm good with keeping secrets.. Besides I was gonna go do what I'm sure you already know of.. How long have you been stalking me..?"

Speviles smiles and puts her switch blade back in her pocket.

"What does it matter..? There's no information you need from that...~"

Fliqpy kept his eyes on Speviles while getting impatient and even more angry. Speviles looked at Fliqpy sadistically.

"Seeing you this angry is a rush to me..~"

"You're a gross ass freak.. Just let me go have some fun.. Without you stalking me like a lost puppy.."

Speviles smile goes away and she had clicked her switch blade, applying it to Fliqpy's neck. Fliqpy tensed up and looked at Speviles with surprise.

"I am no puppy... Nor am I lost... I know exactly what I'm doing and I don't need no gummy bear callin me such names..."

Speviles then smiles and blushes a bit.

"And I am a freak.. So if ya wanna live.. You better get used to it... And we will be working together or you die... Got that... Green bean..?"

Fliqpy growled, but nodded in approval. He didn't want to die, and Speviles would definitely be able to kill him while making him suffer. Speviles took the knife away from his throat and puts it back in her pocket.

"Good.. Now where are we going to kill..?~"

Past Nightmares (Flippy/Fliqpy X my OC)Where stories live. Discover now