Chapter 6 🔞

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🕙10:00 PM

I'm lost somewhere far away, but I can still hear the clatter of tires on a dark road, the turn signal, and all the car traffic... I have no idea how long we've been driving — approximately 20 minutes. Time has slowed. I relieve stress by taking in the scenery, the lights outside the passenger window, and the other drivers who pass us by. Why did it all make me so nervous? I ruined everything with my grimaced face. Why am I acting like this? My mind has been full of anxiety, doubt, and confusion for the past few days. I feel like I'm in a dark place and can't find my way out. I'm struggling to make sense of my emotions and overwhelmed by the amount of pain I'm feeling. I'm emotionally shattered and don't know how to put the pieces back together. I'm trying to find the strength to keep going, but it's difficult to be optimistic when I feel lost and helpless.

Madara stopped at a red light and looked at her. It's like she doesn't notice anything around her. We drive in silence for twenty-five minutes. She's not so talkative now. What's going on with you, lovely?  He thought.

"How are you feeling? You've been quiet." He questioned.

"Аh!?" I got shaken up.
"I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I'm sorry, I've been deep in my thoughts." I mumble.

Madara stated. "Haruko, you don't want to tell me what's happening..."

She interrupted him.

"Oh! God, I almost missed where I had to get off! Stop right there by the torch..." 

Uchiha reflect. I realized she wasn't going to give me any answers. Madara sighed and glanced at her with some displeasure.

The car came to a halt and stopped next to apartment complexes.

"We're here," Haruko said, her voice low and husky.

Madara switched off the ignition. "Do you live here, Haruko?"

"Y-Yes," Staring out the window, I answered with hesitation. "Maybe if I'd lived in that other world..." My voice trailed off, and tears came to my eyes.

"Oh, no... Not now. Why the tears again?" I wiped my eyes feverishly.

Madara glanced at her with a worried look and spoke. "Haruko..."

Her gaze remained fixed on the window.

"Haruko!" His voice grew rougher. "Look at me!" he demands.

She raised her sight to his.

"Why are you crying?" He required again.

"I must have gotten some speck of dust in my eye. Don't mind me." I lower my gaze down.

"I can't ignore it; I noticed that you changed after that call. Just because I didn't show it doesn't mean I didn't realize it." He said in a stern voice. "I'm a pretty good judge of character."

"That's not surprising. Because of your profession, you must see right through people. Who was I trying to deceive?" My lip trembled in a half smile.

"Are you having family problems?" Madara kept asking.

A moment passed as Haruko stared at him, struggling to find an answer that wouldn't worsen things. "To put it mildly, yes. But I won't discuss it with a man I don't know, sorry. No offense."

He smirked, staring at her, and replied playfully:

He smirked, staring at her, and replied playfully:

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