Chapter 8 🔞

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🕚11:00 AM Two weeks later

Male voices are coming from the kitchen.

They sit at a table and enjoy a cup of coffee.
"I'll leave you with all the case facts, Madara."

"Sure, I'm in." He responded while sipping his drink.

"You should leave the police department and work for us. Aren't you sick of switching between the cops and my detective agency? Do you enjoy working under the supervision of newbie Chief Obito? I've wanted to bring you in before." Hashirama stated.

Madara delighted. "I believe you are correct, and I will soon. He may be a pain in the ass, but we have a lot of solved cases with him as well." He groans.

"Okay, suit yourself. It's my job to suggest, as they say."
Hashirama waved his hand and recalled the previous cases they had solved together.

"Like last year, we captured a serial killer who assaulted women. That guy had killed ten people before being apprehended by the police; cops work poorly these days. It took us almost two months to find him because he only attacked people at night. The investigation was tough, but we were able to catch him thanks to the information provided by the victims' families. Let me guess, your partner told you that it was impossible to solve crimes without catching criminals red-handed?"

"Yes, he did. That's how our job works. We're detectives, not bounty hunters. And I don't understand why you call Obito "my partner." Madara smiled and answered, "This is just my chief, nothing more, and it feels weird to call him that. Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Certain." Senju sneered. "You had just started your career as a police officer and met him at your workplace," Hashirama cupped his chin in his fingers and asserted.
"I knew that Obito would be working for the police eventually. He always had such a strong sense of justice."

"That's for sure," Madara murmured in agreement.

Haruko came into the kitchen. "Good day, Hashirama, Madara."
They shifted their gaze to her.
"Morning, babe." He threw her a gentle smile.

"Babe?" Hashirama was surprised and leaned into Madara's ear, whispering.
"How close did you and she get together? Did you two get laid? Wow, you're not wasting any time, naughty man." 

Madara spits out his coffee. "I'm gonna beat that out of you later, Senju."

"Hahahaha," he burst out laughing. "I am joking." He winks and resumes. "Is that just me, or do you blush? I know what you're thinking, of course. Well, wish you luck in that," Hashirama patted his shoulders and then said in a low voice, trying to make sure nobody heard.
"When you're alone and don't want to find a random lady to hook up with, jerking off is fine, but if you have a woman like that next to you... - He cuts off. "Anyway, great sex relieves stress. So, have fun and do it more often, buddy! That's my secret for life. Lastly, try not to be too rough on her." He laughs again as he walks away from Uchiha, patting his shoulders.

"Go to hell; I almost choked because of you," Madara argues, mulling it over. Your wise words, Hashirama, make things worse.

"Good morning, Haruko. He flashed her a cheerful smile. "What do you think of the new city? How do you like the change in circumstances? I hope you're feeling better."

She watched them with curiosity. Hmm, I wonder what were they whispering about?
"I like the peace here. Still, adjusting to the new city isn't easy." She noted.

"But it's only temporary. You'll be back in Tokyo soon." He resumes.

"Yeah, I know." Haruko looked at him. 

She pondered for a while. I met Senju Hashirama when we were leaving. He's very responsive and just a good person to rely on. It's good to have a friend like that. Madara was lucky that life didn't separate their paths; they're still friends today. People nowadays are hazy.

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