Chapter 9 🔞

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I moaned while being captured by Madara's lips. I bit his lower lip lightly and pulled it back. I ran my hands over his shoulders and gave him a little squeeze there. His hand moved to grip my hip and pull me close to him. He kissed me again, his tongue pushing deep into my mouth. His lips sucked on my bottom lip, and I groaned. When he pulled away, he grinned at me. His black eyes were glazed from passion as they stared into mine. He slowly moved his hand down my stomach until he found my lower lips. The tips of his fingers traced along my slit. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Even through panties, it was blissful. All I wanted to do was touch him all over. I caressed his cheek and kissed him. I moaned. I couldn't even think straight. He removed his fingers slowly and smiled at me. "Do you need me to pause, Haruko?" He asked teasingly.
"Ah," I shudder and swallow hard, "Please don't stop."

Haruko ponder. He knows exactly where to touch, lick, nibble, kiss, suck, stroke, and squeeze. It drives me wild whenever he does anything with his tongue or lips. Sometimes, he'll use his teeth too, which feels so damn good. I'm completely lost in bliss once he starts licking me. I've never felt this way; His hands are magical, and they always seem to know what I need. And when those hands go down between my legs... oh God! He has this way of touching me, rubbing every part of my body, sending shivers down my spine, and bringing immense delight. I'm at a loss for words. There's no other word for it. I never imagined anyone could be so perfect. He is ideal: intelligent, funny, handsome, fit, strong, caring, luscious, desirable, gentle, and passionate. It can be described endlessly.

I might have been moaning. "That felt so good, but why did you stop?" I probed and added: "Madara, you are so fucking hot, everything about you is sexy. You do things to my body that no one ever has before. You should be proud that you make me feel this way." I peeked at him.

As I continued to imagine his big dick inside me, I found myself getting wetter. I couldn't believe how excited I got just thinking about him being inside me. I want him to fuck me until I yell his name. I want Madara to take me hard. It's kind of crazy to fantasize about it to a virgin... But I can't help it. I wish he would take my virginity already! Then maybe we could do all sorts of naughty things together. I'm sure he likes it rough, too. He's got such strong hands. I bet he would be entertaining to play with under the sheets. All of those muscles must be great for squeezing. I wonder if he would let me do that to him. It sounds like something I'd enjoy. Maybe I could give him a handjob or something. I am pure fucking filth. When he's around, why should I worry? He's precisely the same. I think Madara had already banged me multiple times in his imagination.

She sounded as if she were describing her first time with someone who knew what they were doing, and she deserved a chance to experience the joys of sex with a gorgeous man fully. Haruko had always wanted a man to pleasure her in bed, and Madara was the perfect candidate.

Uchiha reflected for a moment. Haruko thinks she is close to losing her virginity, but I don't know if she realizes that there will be more than just sex involved here. As long as she follows my instructions, everything should work out fine. I bet she'll be amazing at giving head. Next, I'll teach her how to use her tongue to pleasure me. She will likely satisfy me without me having to do anything. I can't wait to learn what she can do with her mouth. I doubt anyone has ever had the privilege to experience her skills firsthand. The fact that she is a virgin doesn't limit her potential. Judging by her, it's quite the opposite. I think she may be even better at oral sex than we expected. I'll show her the satisfaction of making love in every possible position. I won't be gentle either; I want her to learn that sex can be rough sometimes, and she needs to get used to it. We have weeks to explore her sexuality and find out what excites her most. Keeping in mind that she'll be stressed the first time is essential. To avoid causing her a negative experience, I'll ensure she feels more comfortable than ever.

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