Chapter 24 🔞 Event Voiceover 🎵

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Author here. This chapter includes scenes of gore and brutality, drug use, and other potentially unsettling content. The duration of the entire voiceover is 25 minutes. 4500 words. I recommend listening with headphones as it has sound effects like club songs, engine noise, walking sounds, thud noises, etc. You may not hear it on PC, but only with headphones.

⭐↓↓↓ 🎵 Voiceover teaser video ↓↓↓⭐

🗓️ Friday | February 24, 200X

🕛 15:20 | Madara's home

I stepped through the door and took off my shoes.

"Haruko, you're here early today," Madara remarked from his desk, where he was immersed in paperwork.

"Yes, I had a short day at work; it's Friday. What about you?" I walked toward him and gently stroked his shoulders.

"I'm going to be busy until tonight. At the moment, I had a spare hour to drive home." He voices, engrossed in his work.

"What are you doing?" I leaned on the table and propped my cheek.

"As usual, covering my brother's ass, he didn't do a good job with the investigation paperwork..."  He sighs. 

"You're so accommodating... your brother must be so proud of you. I don't know him yet. I remember you told me his name was Izuna." I commented.

"Yeah. I hope you will later on. I'll introduce you to each other sometime." He convinced.

"That would be great!" I winked at him. "As always, you're such a devoted workman. Mmm, too bad you're at work until tonight." I pouted my lips.

"Why?" he asked, lifting his gaze to me, looking curious.

"Hey, Madara, guess what! I met my classmate today." I cheered up and rose. "She came to the bank for some financial matters. And then she invited me to a party tonight. I'm surprised that she's in Osaka now, too. We were close friends in high school. I was hoping that you could join me."

He shook his head. "No, I won't be able to get away from work...There's so much to do today. But if I can get away before then, I'll come to your place," he quickly gathered all the documents into a folder.

"Are you sure you should go there, babe?" He glanced at me suspiciously.

"I promised her," I murmured.

"It can be dangerous. You are in a city you don't know... This is not Tokyo Haruko." He crossed his arms, showing concern.

"Oh, don't worry, Madara. I don't think so." I waved my hand at him reassuringly.

He persisted. "You're too naive. Don't be so reckless."

"UGH! Madara, stop it!" I hissed. "I'll leave you my friend's phone number and address if that makes you less anxious. Maybe I'll send you the GPS coordinates, too. Give me a break!" 

He rolled his eyes and ranted. "Cripes! You're too stubborn."

"Your attempt to control me is not appropriate. I am not a child, nor am I a toy. The fact that we fuck doesn't grant you control over me!" I snapped. 

"Shitting Hell! Where did I say that? Do not present your opinions as mine because they are utterly inaccurate!" Uchiha barked.

"Tch! Whatever," I muttered, waving him off while gritting my teeth.

"My assurance is that you don't want to know what cases I'm investigating, and I don't want you to be part of one. That's all I'm trying to convey and warn you about," Madara said, casting an annoyed glance at me.

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