Chapter 25 🔞 Decision Voiceover 🎵

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The duration of the entire voiceover is 20 minutes. 3573 words. I recommend listening with headphones as it has sound effects like club songs, engine noise, screaming, shots, sirens, walking sounds, thud noises, etc. You may not hear it on PC, but only with headphones.

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I watch with satisfaction as the bastard writhes on the floor, clutching at his bleeding head. My finger had tightened on the trigger without hesitation, years of training and experience taking over at that moment. He was nothing but a pathetic mess, begging for mercy.

The gunshot explodes through the floor. The bastard's screams pierce my eardrums, but I only grin darkly, savoring his terror.
"That bullet might have missed your brain this time, but I'll make sure it finds its mark next time, you filthy fucker." I sneer down at him, enjoying the fear in his eyes.

His screams only fuel my dark pleasure as I turn away, leaving him to suffer. He should have known better than to cross me.

But now, the moment had arrived to shift my attention to more pressing matters. Haruko's expression is one of pure shock as she takes in the sight before her. My face is splattered with drops of blood from this despicable man I just smashed into a bloody pulp. The once-white fabric of my shirt is now stained a deep crimson. Without hesitation, I pull out my phone and make a call, my voice trembling with anger and determination.

The clock struck midnight, but a flurry of urgent calls from me shattered the eerie stillness of the night.
"Hey, Madara!" Izuna's groggy voice crackled through the phone. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" But before he could get an answer, I continued.

"Hurry up, move it here to me," I urged. "I need an ambulance and investigation team on the scene immediately." Confusion and concern flooded through Izuna's voice as he replied, "What's happening?" His heart raced with worry and he jolted awake from his sleep.

"I'll send you the address." The air around him thickened with tension as he listened to me. "There's a crime scene."

Fear and worry flooded through Izuna's mind as he added, "God...what did you do this time?"

I knew all too well that my brother had a tendency to get into trouble, and I braced myself for the worst. But at the same time, there was a sense of amazement and admiration for Madara's bold and reckless nature. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of mess Madara had gotten himself into this time.

I say goodbye and end the call, feeling a sense of heaviness settle in my chest. 

"Freeze right there, you son of a bitch!" I aimed my gun at another slimy criminal attempting to escape the room. "Did you think you could sneak away without me noticing?" I chuckled and fired a warning shot near his foot. The coward screamed and collapsed to the ground.
"You and your ally are going to be arrested. Only a few ragged breaths escape from your accomplice's battered body, barely clinging to life. The rest of him is a mangled mess, unrecognizable as human. But somehow, he manages to cling to consciousness, his eyes darting around in terror as he realizes the extent of his injuries."

Haruko's arms wrap around me from behind. Her touch is gentle, yet I know she can feel my tense hands, aching from the recent fight. "Madara," she whispers, her voice laced with concern. "Your fists... they're hurt." But I brush off her worry with a smile. "It's nothing compared to what you've been through," I reply dismissively. "Don't worry about me." Despite my words, I can see the worry etched on her face. "You'll get blood all over yourself," I warn as she reaches out to touch me. "Don't touch me," I plead, not wanting her to see the mess I've become. The metallic smell of iron fills the air, and I know I must look like a mess, but Haruko's presence brings a sense of comfort and warmth amidst the chaos. Regardless of my warnings, Haruko continues to hold onto me tightly, offering support without saying a word.

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