Chapter 23 🔞 Committed Voiceover 🎵

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The duration of the entire voiceover is 33 minutes. 5424 words. I recommend listening with headphones as it has some sound effects like clock ticking, engine noise, walking sounds, and shower stream, as well as other suggestive lewd noises: thrusting, kissing, sighing, screaming, grunting, licking, sucking, humming, etc. You may not hear it on PC, but only with headphones. I made it a low sound in the background during dialogue, maybe you'll not hear anything. xD Be warned.

⭐↓↓↓ 🎵 Voiceover teaser video ↓↓↓⭐

Current day | Night | 22:30 

Madara and Izuna left the workplace together, their minds still reeling from the day's events. The crimes and records they dealt with daily always left a sour wallop in their mouths, a reminder of the darker side of humanity.

"It's been a crazy day," Madara muttered, still processing everything that had happened.

"Yeah, these cases always bug me," I sighed, my brow furrowed in frustration.

"See you tomorrow, brother," Madara waved his hand and headed for his car, eager to leave the chaos of the office behind.

"Of course, Madara. But before you go, you still haven't introduced your girlfriend to me yet," I teased.

Madara's heart sank at the mention of his "girlfriend."

"She's not my girlf--..." Madara started to say but was cut off by his thoughts.
💭 It's true, she's not my girl, we just fuck. Even though I confessed my feelings to her, it doesn't mean anything because she doesn't remember a thing. He covered his face with one hand, feeling confused about the situation.

"Oh, so you're just humping, that's not your style," I marveled and chuckled. "Well, at least now I know why you've been in such a good mood lately."

Madara rolled his eyes and playfully shoved me. "Come on, we have tons of work to do, so there's always no good time. You'll meet up when the time is right."

"Of course, work always comes first for you," I tease.

I watched as Madara's smirk turned into a genuine smile. It was rare to see my brother show any kind of emotion, so I couldn't help but feel happy for him.

"Oh, really," I jabbed. "Who are you trying to fool? Someone's in love, I can see it in your face."

Madara chuckled, but then his expression turned serious. "You read me too well. But in all seriousness, I do care about her, and I want to make things work between us."

I could see the sincerity in my brother's eyes and nodded understandingly. I knew that Madara wasn't the type to open up easily, especially when it came to matters of the heart.

"Go to your fiancée, she's waiting for you in the sleek black sedan." His voice filled with playful impatience. "Don't keep a lady waiting."

The engine hummed softly as it idled, impatiently awaiting its passengers. I could almost hear the car urging me to hurry up and get inside. Laughing at the thought, I turned to face Madara, knowing that he was just playing a game with me.
"It's a good excuse to shut me up," I replied with a grin. "I'm not trying to pressure you. Have fun."

"I envy you," Madara said wistfully. "It's great that you work in the same place and get to see her every day."

"Yeah, it's a perk," As I considered the fact that my partner was so supportive and understanding, I realized how fortunate I was.

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