Chapter 1: The Letter

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Malfoy Manor

"Lucius. Are you sure this is good idea?" Narcissa asked her husband, who only an hour ago asked her to come to his study.

"Cissy, my love. It's a wonderful idea, it's another step for Draco." Lucius replied while writing a letter to said son. The letter that Lucius was writing stated that he and Narcissa will be renewing their vows in November and would be taking a 1 or 2 month honeymoon trip touring Europe. They were hoping for Draco, during those 1-2 months, to come home and watch his younger brother, Cyrus.

"Poppy!" Lucius roared after another minutes of silence. A second later a loud pop was heard in the study.

"Master. What can Poppy do for Master?" The house elf squeaked.

"Bring this letter to Draco's owl, and tell it to deliver it to Draco Malfoy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," The man demanded while thinking to himself, "Still think he should have gone to Drumstrang,". With a nod the house elf disappeared with another pop. Narcissa just nodded her head in disappointment, leaving the room.

Cyrus's Nursery

"Mama," The toddler said, while making grabby hands, once he saw his mother enter the room.

Narcissa smiled down at her 1, no, 2 year old son. Less than a meter from the crib she could smell his dirty nappy. "It smells like someone needs a nappy change, Pebble," she called, which made her son's eyes water. Pebble, thankfully, was much quicker than when she use to change Draco's nappy's even though it's been over ten years since Draco was in nappy's.

Once her youngest was change, now wearing a new nappy and a light royal green onesie, she carried him to another room. This room was dubbed, by Cyrus, "Pway" since it held almost all of Cyrus's toys, books, and other things, this was also one of the only rooms in the Manor that had a jack & jill bathroom, the other side being Narcissa private library.

"Now, Cy, Mummy has a VERY important meeting with some of her friends, so you must stay in here. Remember if you need anything DON'T call for Mummy but for Pebble." She told the toddler while putting him down near a pile of blocks.

"Mama?" The toddler questioned while tilting his head up. His mother, who tried so hard not to, walked towards her library.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, The Great Hall; November 1st

Draco, like many Slytherin's, was coming up from the dungeons to the Great Hall for breakfast. Just as Draco sat down his owl, an eurasian eagle owl which he named Pepper, came in. Pepper landed on Draco's shoulder, while Draco was giving her a piece of ham, and lifted out her left claw that had two letters attached to it, Malfoy family press on it and everything.

After taking the letters from the owl, Draco said, "Good girl, Pep's, now go back to your perch, i'll see you after lunch." And with that the owl flew away.

"God, Drake, can't your father stop writing to you." A girl, Pansy Parkinson, who was sitting next to Draco said while rubbing herself on him.

"Shut it Pansy. And two things, one get off of me. And two, stop calling me 'Drake', it's bloody annoying," The blonde stated, while shoving Pansy off of him. Pansy, in response, crossed her arms over her chest and pouted at her 'boyfriend'

The letter stated.

Dear Draco,

Cy, loved your present to him. He asks me every night while I'm getting him ready for bed "Draco. Play?". I still wish your father would buy a muggle camera but we both know he won't. Also attached below is a shopping list of things I want at your next Hogsmeade visit, i'm hoping that next time either all of us or just me and Cy can come to Hogsmeade and see you. Draco, your father's letter, is very important so make sure you write back and owl us, right away.

Love, Mother

"Soooooo. What did it sayyyy," Pansy asked.

"Pansy. I barely put it back in the envelope, besides there's a second one," Draco stated holding up the second letter. "But if you want to know. The first letter was from my mother, all it said was she misses me and her shopping list for when we go down to Hogsmeade."

Pansy, once again, just pouted, "Fucking Malfoy's."

The second letter.

Dear Draco Lucius Malfoy,

As I stated in my previous letter me and your mother will be renewing our wedding vows. After much planning, we decided, that neither you or your brother, Cyrus Abraxas Malfoy, will be attending, on top of that we have decided that after renewing our vows, in Hawaii, we will be gone for 2 months touring/honeymooning in Europe. Draco this will be your next step, you must watch your brother for the 2 months we are gone. You will also have two choices, we either bring Cyrus to Hogwarts or you come back to the Manor for those 2 months.

Don't worry about school, I have also written to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore asking him if it will be okay for your professor's to come to the manor, between 8pm-1am, to teach you. If you choose to come back home to the manor, I will needed an answer from both you and Albus by the end of the week.

Sincerely, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy II

Draco just stared at the letter in shock, "I get to see Cyrus, for two months. But of course Father had to write too Dumbledore. Dumbledore would want me to stay here. Great now everyone, besides from Snape, are going to know about Cyrus. And my soft spot."

"Drake. Drakeee. DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY." Pansy screamed, that brought Draco out of his thoughts.

"What?" He asked, trying to hide the fact that he was thinking to himself.

"What did he say. What did Lucius say?" Pansy asked, as if she didn't just yell AND used his father first name.

Draco took a deep breath then looked at his three friends, "My parents are asking me to come home for 2 months. Gregory, Apollo you two probably know why." Draco knew that his parents had asked both the Goyle's and the Lupin's to come, since both families were at Lucius and Narcissa wedding. Draco also hoped that they didn't invite the Parkinson, which was probably likely since both families started talking to each other after Pansy told her parents about wanting to marry Draco and to be his girlfriend, all that 'pure-blood family bullshit' as Draco would put it.

And with that Draco got up, but before leaving he whispered to Lupin and Goyle that he would tell them later, and to DON'T tell Parkinson ANYTHING.



A/N: A bit of backstory; In my headcanon after Regulus incident, in which he survives, Regulus & Sirius would reconnect, after Hogwarts Remus & Sirius married each other. The Malfoy's would then invite Regulus & the Lupin's to their wedding. During this time Remus & Sirius adopt Apollo, they don't blood adopt. The night before they pick up Apollo, the Potters are killed but Sirius isn't blamed but Peter is. Remus & Sirius would adopt Harry.

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