Chapter 7: A Day With Uncle Regulus

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It has been a month since Cyrus Malfoy arrived at Hogwarts. And with still a month to go, Draco was starting to countdown the days until his parents returned.

It was a week before the monthly Black Family school getaway. (A/N: Basically ever since Draco, Apollo, & Harry started going to Hogwarts. The Black Brothers, would take them on a week long vacation every month) And since they missed last months getaway, due to Cyrus arriving, this month they were going to be gone for two weeks.

So, right now, the three boys are taking the whole week to do any test or quizzes they will be missing. As for Cyrus, he would either spend the morning or afternoons with Draco, depending on what test/quizzes he has to take and if he can't be with his brother he was usually spending time with Apollo, who has now formed a close relationship with both the Malfoy brothers.

Today was different though. Today both Draco and Apollo had to take 2 test for Potions, which was going to take almost all day. And to make thing worse Cyrus was in a clingy mood today, "Cy, I told you, you can't stay with me today."

"NO! Stay wif Dway! Wif Dway" The toddler shouted.

At this point Regulus came thru the door, since he was one of the few people given the password to the room by Draco.

"Now, what's with all this shouting sunshine" Regulus said, while making his way over to the duo.

"Well, as you know, I have 2 Potions test today, and this one is in a clingy mood." Draco explained. While trying to calm down his brother.

"Sun, would you like to come on a broom ride with me?" Regulus asked, since in the month he has been at Hogwarts Cyrus has been begging his brother for a "bwoom wide", after watching one of his Quidditch matches.

At that Cy's tears stopped, and made grabby hands towards is godfather. "Dway. I go." he asked his brother, who was handing over the diaper bag.

Draco smiled, "Of course, bubs. But, you better be good for Reg."

"I good." The younger Malfoy responded, now in the arms of his godfather.

Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch

"Now remember, what I said Cy" Regulus said. While he was getting both his and Cyrus's quidditch gear on.

"Stay on bwoom. No bouncy on bwoom." The toddler said, now clad in mini Slytherin quidditch robes.

Regulus smiled, while ruffling his godson's hair. As they made it onto the pitch, Regulus mounted his nephew on the broom first then himself.

It wasn't long before the younger lad, was asking to go higher. Reg, went as high as the first row of the stands. the two spent an hour, before a small whimper was let out by Cyrus.

Immediately, Regulus made his way down. Within seconds the whimpers turn into a small cry. "Dwaco. I want Dwaco." The toddler kept repeating.

"Sunshine, we can't see Draco. Remember, he and Apollo are taking some tests." Regulus explained while bouncing the toddler on his hip. But nothing was working the crys soon turned into wails.

"Shit," thoughts Reg. "What the fuck do I do."

"'Eggie. DWACO! I want Dwaco" The toddler continued. It seemed like nothing was going to work. That was until Regulus heard three voices talking.

Coming into the pitch from the tunnel was Apollo, Draco, and surprisingly Harry Potter. At the sight of his crying brother, Draco sprinted towards the crying toddler and the stressed out Black.

~Time Skip~

"So, from what I heard. My brother, didn't get hurt or anything, but just wanted me?" Draco re-explained to his cousin what he was just told.

The elder shook his head yes.

"Well, thankfully we are done for the day so i'll be seeing you for dinner?"

"Yes. Bye-bye, Sun, Dragon, Wolf Club, and Prongslet." Regulus said while heading towards, the locker room to change.

"Wait, Coach Black! It's our training day!" Harry shouted after the youngest Black brother.

Apollo and Draco, just shook their heads. They decided to go back to the apartment, so Cyrus could get change and take his afternoon nap.

Word Count: 690 

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