Chapter 2: Draco & The Baby

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Potions

"Mr. Malfoy, a moment," Snape said while Draco and his 'gang', Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, and Apollo Lupin, were leaving their potions class. Which thankfully was with Hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor, and heading to DADA, Defence Against the Dark Arts. Just as Draco turned around to re-enter the class Snap raised his hand at him, "JUST, Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Parkinson," Draco didn't realize that Pansy had also turned around with him.

Pansy left but not without giving Draco a peck on his cheek, which he quickly rubbed off. At that point his godfather/potions teacher, Severus Snape, approached him.

"So. It's true then Draco?" Snape stated

"Yes, they are renewing their vows and have asked me to look after Cyrus." Draco stated, rather quickly.

Snape just nodded his head. Draco, playing with the end of his rode sleeves, broke the silence, "Sev, what should I do? I would like to go home and see Cyrus," Draco began, "I feel bad for missing his birthday.", he thought at the same time. "But there's also the problem of doing all my schoolwork at night and then taking care of a baby all day."

Snape just listen, not even shaking his head in agreement or disagreement. "Then there's also the problem if they bring him here. Everyone will find out that me, Draco Malfoy, has a soft spot."

That's when Snape started his talking. "Draco, as your godfather, I think it's best if you go back to the manor. But if what Lucius told you in his letter is true, then you'll have to bring Cyrus to class with you."

"Sev, can you please talk to Dumbledore and see what he has to say?" Draco asked, while still playing with his robe sleeve. Snape just rubbed his forehead and gave Draco that look, the look he gave 3 year old Draco when he asked his godfather to ask his father if they could go see a real Quidditch match.

"WE," Snape began," Your not 3 anymore Draco. We'll go and talk to Albus, NOW." And with that the two made their way to Dumbledore's office, Draco wish they could have waited until his free period, which would have been after DADA. But here he was walking up the stairs to Dumbledore's office.

"Severus. Draco. Lemon drop?" The man asked, once the two entered. Snape just shaked his head, taking a seat, while Draco took one.

"Albus, you do know why me and Draco came up here?" Snape asked.

Albus just shook his head, Snape hated that, then unwrapped a lemon drop, putting it into his mouth, "Yes, Severus. I think that the Malfoy's should bring young Cyrus here. It's much safer, due to the Dementors, don't you think?"

Draco just sat there mouth opened, which wasn't every Malfoy of him. Draco thought long and hard about this idea. "The Dementors? Is Dumbledore crazy? Those things are a living hell."

After what felt like a century, in reality it was only 20 seconds, Draco felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up and saw his godfather. "Draco. Let's go, I have informed all of your teachers that you will have the rest of the day off." Snape said as they made their way back to his office.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"Apparently Albus had already owled your father, rude if you ask me," Snape answered, "And he came to the conclusion himself without your input that Cyrus will be coming to Hogwarts this evening."

"WHAT, but I just got Father's letter this morning." Draco argued, "Plus my Father stated that he wanted owls from both of us not just Dumbledore."

Snape just shook his head. "I'll send your mother a patrons, once we get back to my office. And don't worry, we are going to be giving you two your own room."

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