Chapter 4: The Littlest Slytherin

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Monday Morning

It has just been over a week since Cyrus Malfoy arrived at Hogwarts. Today will mark Draco's first day back to class, his friends, besides Pansy, have been bringing Draco his work for the past week. As Draco was getting both himself and Cyrus ready he heard a knock at his door.

Since breakfast service has just began, at 7:00 AM and it was now 8:00 AM, 1 hour ago. Draco was thankful that today he only had his afternoon classes, DADA and double potions with Hufflepuff, and that there would be hardly anyone in the Great Hall at this time.

"Wonder who that is Cy?" Draco asked his brother. Who in response just giggled & tried to grab at his brother's robe sleeves.

Draco just laughed at his brother, while picking him up, and headed towards the door.

"Fucking took you long enough." Apollo said, right as he was meet with Draco's grey eyes.

"God, Apollo. How many times have I told you, don't swear in front of Cyrus." Draco responded, while giving Apollo the 'Malfoy Death Glare'.

Apollo just put his hands up in defense. Next to Apollo stood Blaise. "Looks like someones pissed off."

Draco then looked at Blaise, "Shut it Blaise,"

"Now that everyone has said their 'good mornings' are you ready to go down for breakfast?" Apollo asked after a few seconds of silence between the three.

"Yeah, let me just grab our stuff, Zabini hold Cy." Draco asked while handing his brother over to Blaise and turning back into the apartment.

Cyrus didn't like the idea of being away from his brother, he had just woken up and wanted to cuddle with his brother, and started to squirm in Blaise's arms.

"Oh, stop that now little Heir of Slytherin." Blaise said. But Cyrus was not having it.

Cyrus began to make grabby hands to the painting, which had closed once Draco reentered, "Dwaco." Cyrus kept repeating. Mr. Preston had thankfully gotten use to this, and tried but failed to make the younger Malfoy happy.

"For Merlin's sake give him to me." Apollo said after a few minutes, "What is taking Draco so fucking long," He thought to himself while now having a crying Malfoy in his arms.

"Shhh," Apollo began. "Come on buddy, Draco will be right back." Apollo said while trying to calm the baby. Insteadly, as if by magic, Cy's cries turn into whimpers, which then turned into a quiet sniffle every few seconds. "There you go buddy."

"Fucking Lupin." Blaise thought to himself. During this time Draco had came out of the painting.

"Bye, Preston we'll see you in a few," Draco said as the painting closed behind him. Mr. Preston in response tipped his hat. "Now, who's ready for some breakfast?" Draco asked while trying to take his brother out of Apollo's arms.

"No. Stay wif 'Polo." The younger said while wrapping his arm around Apollo's neck and burying his face into his neck.

Draco felt a small pain in his heart, but decided not to say anything. While Blaise was trying to not laugh at the event. "Zabini, don't make me hex you!" Draco shouted at the still laughing Italian.

~Time Skip~

Zabini was just walking out of Herbology with Professor Sprout when Pansy, who was in the same class as him, came up behind him. "Blaise," She shouted.

Blaise tried to ignore, like his has been doing for the past week, but Pansy was just NOT getting the hint.

"Blaise will you stop ignoring me!" She shouted, causing all the second and third years around them to look. Blaise, who didn't like this one bit turned around.

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