Chapter 5: Potions

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A/N: art credit, yes i know it's of Snape & Draco: @CaptBexx on deviantart


Draco had just left DADA, which thankfully was during Cyrus's afternoon nap time, and was on the way to his double potions class.

Cyrus was walking a little bit ahead of his brother, Apollo, and Gregory. Since, right when they had made their way down to the dungeons he told/ask his brother, "Dwaco, I wak?". Since there weren't many student around he agreed.

As they were walking towards Snape's classroom Gregory realized that they were missing two members of their 'gang'. "Hey Draco. Have you seen Pansy or Blaise today?"

"Yeah, I was with Zabini and Apollo for breakfast. Then saw Parkinson and Zabini walking out of Herbology, haven't seen either of them since."

Apollo also decided to step in now, "They normally meet us by the stairwell,". He said while pointing behind them. "But I heard from my dad, that he saw the two by the bridge."

Draco, of course, wasn't shock after hearing Apollo's statement about what his father/DADA teacher. This was because of what Apollo had witnessed at lunch.

"Really? Draco you definitely should confront BOTH of them." Gregory brought up. Not knowing that Draco already was going to confront them.

"Well, we all know that Pansy probably had lead Zabini on. And I will be writing a letter to her about breaking up." Draco stated while picking up his brother.

~small flashback~

While Draco and his buddies were talking, Cyrus had gotten a little bit tired of just walking. So behind his brother's back, even though Draco could see, he decided to run. In his head Cyrus said, "Dwaco, no see me wun. I no wun at home in the looong halls. I wun here." , so Cyrus "ran".

But to anyone else who saw him run it looked more like a waddle plus he wasn't going that fast. Even though Cyrus was having a blast running, only a couple of feet, he didn't see that they have now entered a part of the dungeon were he would be more prone to falling down.

"Heheheh," Cyrus was giggling to himself, but within a sec he had trip face first. Instead of crying, like he would have done if he was in the apartment or back at the manor, Cyrus found it the most hilarious thing in the world.

~flashback over~

After Draco picked up a still laughing Cyrus, they made the rest of the way to potions.

Once arriving in the classroom they witnessed a sight, that no one at this point, was shocking. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini sitting next to each basically on top of each other. Draco decided to actually say something. "Pansy," gaining the "couples" attention.

"We are over. Actually we were never a thing in the first place, you will be receiving a letter from me first thing during breakfast. Zabini, we will talk in my room later, as for you two." Now talking to Apollo and Goyle. "Come with me, we are sitting here."

No one spoke since Draco came in, not rare, but instead they were staring at the little blonde sitting on his lap. Draco could feel their eyes on him and his brother, so before it could get any more uncomfortable he stood up.

"IF ANYONE, AND I MEAN ANYONE, SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT CYRUS YOU WILL BE HEX INTO NEXT MONTH." Draco shouted, his brother on the other hand gave them his Malfoy glare, while laughing.

At that moment Snape had walked in from his office, not many of the students had noticed the potions master. Until a certain Malfoy had seen him, yelling "Evvy!", and with that everyone had turned their heads at said professor.

"Hello Cyrus." Snape said, while heading to the front of the room. "Now today, you will be making any potion or potions of your choose from memory. We will have the whole class and also will ONLY be allowed to look at the ingredients and measurements needed. Begin."

With that the whole classroom was in full movement, beside Draco's table. "Now, Cy stay here with Goyle while me and Lupin go get our ingredients." Cyrus just nodded from his brother, while returning to his coloring book.

While the two were getting their ingredients Snape came over to their table. "Cyrus, why don't you come with me and sit up at my desk for the class period. Okay?"

Cyrus, who had promised his brother he would stay at the table, started to collect his coloring book and his crayons. "Evvy," he said while trying to get down from his stool. Snape decided to help the toddler, by picking him up and placing him on the floor, and then also grabbing his coloring supplies.

"Dway, me go to Evvy's table," The younger shouted at his brother. Over the time he had been staying at Hogwarts Cyrus had started to call his brother Dray, mostly do to him hearing it from his brother's friends.

Draco just nodded at his brother and godfather, before making his way to his table.

~Time Skip (Because I, the author, can't write about classes to save my life)

During the first half of class, Cyrus had stayed with Snape. But before the second half of class started, Cyrus got down from Snape's desk and went over to his brother. Once making it back to his brother's table, he made grabby hands to his brother and then 'whispered' into his ear. "Dway, poo-poo" After realizing this he gave his professor a look, as if telling him what had happened, and grab both Cyrus and his diaper bag before making his way to the closest bathroom.

After being changed, and given some watered down juice, Cy just wanted to go back to their room and play with Apollo, Draco, and his dragons. Thankfully, Severus understood and also it would take a shorter amount of time for them to get to their next class.

Once back at the Malfoy's room, as many students had named it, the three boys spent the next hour playing with Cyrus's stuffed dragons. It brought back memories for the two older boys, as they remembered playing a similar game when they were younger. That game though involved brooms, but seeing that it was just three of them it wouldn't have been as fun.

Soon, it was time for their last class. DADA with Apollo's dad, Remus Lupin.

WORD COUNT: 1,066 

A/N: the next chapter we get to have a little bit of wolfstar & also meet another Black????

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