Chapter 11: The Hogwarts Express

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A/N: While writing this, just because of the title, all I thought about was The Polar Express song. Which is a MF BOP. Also idc if anyone asked or didn't, but heres a picture of the Toothless plushie. 

Once the brothers got to the station Draco casted a quick and quiet sticking carm on Toothless, Cyrus's stuffed dragon, just in case the boy does drop it while on platform 9 3/4

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Once the brothers got to the station Draco casted a quick and quiet sticking carm on Toothless, Cyrus's stuffed dragon, just in case the boy does drop it while on platform 9 3/4. Before getting to the wall Cyrus notices a tuft of light brown hair, standing next to two men. One looking almost identical to the boy, while the another looked like his 'Uncle Reggie'.

Letting go of his brother's hand, "'Polo!" Cyrus shouted, still calling Apollo Lupin by the same name/nickname he used since he was two. 

"Hey buddy," He said while picking the younger up with ease, "who you got there?" 

"TOOTHLESS!" The boy shouted while holding up his prize possession. 

"Cy, indoor voice," Draco said while walking up to the family. 

"Sorry." The younger said, hiding into Apollo's neck. 

"We better get going kiddos," Sirius Black stated, after a couple seconds of silence.  

"Me and Sirius, will go in first then Apollo, and lastly Draco and Cyrus." Remus said, as his husband made his way thru the wall. 

After passing the younger boy to his brother, Apollo made his way thru with his trunk, owl, and whatever else was on his cart. 

"Hold on tight," Draco said to his brother, who wrapped his arms even tighter around the elders neck.  Cyrus felt the moment when they made their way into the wall, and out onto the otherside. "Good job," Draco whispered into his brothers ear, while placing him down onto the ground. 

"That wasn't fun," The younger said once his feet were on the ground.

The elder chuckled, while grabbing the youngers hand, and heading towards the train. 

"LUPIN!" Draco shouted, before getting on the train. 

Both Apollo and Remus looked up after hearing their name be called, of course Draco didn't care. "Me and Cy, are going to find an empty compartment, I'll send my patronus, to come fetch you."

"Whatever," Apollo called out. 

Once on the train, Cyrus kept is hand, which also holding Toothless, firmly around both the stuffed dragon and Draco. After finding an empty carriage that was both away from his old friends and also not near the Golden Trio, Draco sent his patronus (A/N: Even though we never know what Draco's patronus is my headcanon is that his is either a peacock, ferret, or a Komodo Dragon.) to Apollo. 

During this time Cyrus was on the floor of the compartment, playing with Toothless. He had asked Draco to play, but he replayed with a simply 'later'. By the time Apollo finally got to the compartment, "Probably ran into Potter," Draco thought, the last call for the Hogwarts express was being called.

"Sit up here bubs," Draco said while picking up his brother and placing him on the sit next to him. As he felt the train start moving Cyrus started looking out the window. While he was doing this to the two lover birds were catching up, even though they had seen each other the other day for dinner. 

"Did you hear?" Apollo whispered. 

Draco nodded. He knew what Apollo was talking about, that his two friends had gotten the Dark Mark. "Yeah, they tried corning me at the funeral, but since I had Cy in my arms, almost the whole time, they just gave us their condolences." 

"And let me guess that's why we're not seating with them?" Apollo asked. Draco nodded. 

"Dray! 'Polo! Look! Look! It's the London Eye!" Cyrus shouted, while pointing outside. The two boys glanced outside. Draco smiled at his brother, who began telling the two boys how before their death his mommy and daddy took him on it. 

"Cy," Draco said, with a hint of sadness in his voice, "Don't you remember me and Apollo were both there?"

"I'm not talking about that time, Dray." Cyrus replied while sitting back down, looking down at his feet. 

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Did Mummy and Daddy take you on one of their London trips?" 

Cyrus, upon hearing Draco call their parents mommy and daddy rather than the usual mother and father, looked up at his brother his mood taking a 180. Now he was back to his usual self and started telling the two boys the story of when his parents took him to London for the weekend. 

After about an 30 minutes, Cyrus began feeling tired. Apollo, was the first to notice this. "Hey, buddy you want to take a na-"

But before Apollo could finish his sentence Cyrus nodded his head yes, as he moved across the compartment to sit next to Apollo. Draco, who had packed Cyrus's blanket in his backpack, put it over his now sleeping brother who was using his boyfriend as a pillow.   

The two boys continue talking for another couple minutes, before both pulling out their books to read. Apollo was reading his Tad's copy, that he had read and annotated during his time at Hogwarts, of The Secret History by Donna Tartt. While Draco was reading  A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihare. 

Draco was thankful that about 2 hours before the train arrived to Hogwarts his brother had woken up by himself. Of course he was a little scared when we woke up, seeing that he was in a unfamiliar place but once he saw the two teens he calmed down. 

Cyrus continued to look out the window calling out the many cool things he saw, while the two teens were now also looking out the window. 

Once arriving to Hogwarts, Draco packed up everything into his and Cyrus's bag. Even though the younger complained about having to put away his stuffed animal, but once Draco explained that there's going to be a lot of people on the platform his brother agreed. 

Once everything was packed they bidden Apollo goodbye, and went to one of the carriages. But what Draco didn't except was a) who was also sitting in the carriage with them and b) what his brother saw. 

Word Count: 1,044

A/N: I just want to mention a few things. 

1. IDK if i mentioned this before but this story is a slight modern AU 

2. Apollo Lupin is in Slytherin (imagine what Sirius reaction to that was)

3. Apollo calls Remus, Tad, and Sirius, Dad or Papa (depends on how he feels) 

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