Chapter 14: Cyrus & The Toddler

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Y'all see what I did there with the title 🤭. Anyways the picture above is what Cyrus, Willow, and Diana's school uniforms look like, idk why but its giving Derry Girls (go watch it, if you haven't). 

Today was going to be Willows first day of school, without Apollo. The girl watched, with her thumb in her mouth and her Padfoot plush pulled against her chest, from her spot on the couch as her Tad was packing her lunch up. Her brother, along with the Malfoy's and Lock's, was getting ready for school and to also bring his sister to school. 

As for her Papa, he was still asleep. Dead to the world. 

"Ready sweetie?" Remus asked as he made is way into the living room. 

The girl nodded her head, while sucking on her thumb harder. 

"No thumb, icky." Remus said, while pulling out his daughters thumb. 

Just then someone was knocking on their door. 

"I GOT IT"  Apollo yelled, while making his way to the door. 

After opening it up, standing on the other side was Cyrus, Draco, Diana, and Andrew. Upon seeing the group, Remus and Willow got up from the couch heading towards the door. After saying their goodbyes, the group was off. 

~small timeskip~

For almost the whole day, Willow didn't leave Cyrus side. Of course the boy didn't mind, even though Diana had tried multiple times to have the girl come over and play dress-up with her and some of the other girls. But the younger only shook her head no. 

"Its fine." Cyrus would whisper to her everytime she denied to leave his side. 

"Class, art time!" Miss. Dove called out. 

This was something that Willow loved to do, when at daycare before she got bitten. Cyrus noticed the excitement that his little sister/cousin and gave her a small smile. 

After putting on their smocks. Which where just basically large t-shirts from the three kids brothers. 

Cyrus's smock

Diana's smock

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Diana's smock

Willow's smock

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Willow's smock

"Okay kids

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"Okay kids. Today we are going to be painting with watercolors. You'll each can choose two pictures to paint." Miss. Dove said. 

"Do you want me to choose for you? Or come with me?" Cyrus whispered to Willow. 

"Come." The girl responded. So when their table was called up the three kids went up. 

"So many," Willow whispered, while holding Cyrus's hand. 

Cyrus chose a slytherin house crest page and a Toothless page to color. Willow chose a barbie page and the same toothless page as Cyrus. Diana chose two of the same fairy pages. Once returning to their table, the kids began to paint. 

Both Cyrus and Willow began to work on their Toothless at the sametime. Which was just Willow copying what Cyrus was doing. Cyrus, of coursed noticed this and asked, "You copying me?". 

"Cop'ing?" Willow asked, mispronouncing the word. 

Cyrus laughed while shaking his head. "It's pro-". But was cut off my a certain girl. 

"ITS, CO-PY-ING!" Diana yelled, annoyed that the toddler was taking away Cyrus's attention from her. 

Within seconds, tears gathered in the toddler's eyes. But before they fell Cyrus stepped in to help. 

"DIANA!," Cyrus shouted, "That was really really rude to say!". While rubbing circles on Willow's back. Something he had seen her brother and dads due when she got upset. Even Draco did rubbed small circles on Cyrus's back when he was upset or had a bad dream.  

"What's going on over here?" Miss. Dove asked making her way over towards the group. 

"Diana was being rude." Cyrus said, going all "big brother" mode. 

Miss. Dove nodded her head, while walking over too Diana. "Diana, is this true?" she asked. 

The girl nodded her head, "Yes," she whispered. 

Miss. Dove extended her hand towards the girl, "How about you come and seat with me at my desk and finish your coloring over there, okay?". 

Diana just nodded her head, while following her teacher. After a couple of minutes, Cyrus and Willow continued coloring. 


A/N: Decided to split this chapter into two parts, hopefully part 2 will be posted soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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