Chapter 12: Cousins

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Italics; speaking in french, unless another wise stated (such as flashbacks)

"Draco?" Cyrus asked nervously.

Draco responded with a small hum, as the duo made their way to the carriages.

"What are those?" Cy asked while pointing to the carriages.

"Cy," Draco said looking to where his brother was pointing, "there's nothing, the carriages are pu-"

"Don't worry Cyrus," a voice said from behind the brothers, "I can see them."

As the boys turned around the younger, let go of his brother hand running to the person that was behind them, "LUNA!"

"Luna, what are you talking about?" Draco asked as his cousin and brother made their way over to him, hand-in-hand.

A/N: I fucking love the idea that Draco and Luna grew up together, if you don't like it then just deal with it

"The carriages are pulled by magic, Draco, the creatures that pull them are called Thestrals." Luna explained while helping Cyrus get into the carriage. "Come up here Draco, I'll ride with you to the castle."

Draco nodded while making his way into the carriage. "Draco, what are Thesrals? And why can't you see them?" Cyrus asked once his brother was seated.

"Cy," Draco started off. But just looked over at his cousin, as if asking her to explain.

"What your brother is trying to say Cyrus," Luna said, once she saw the look Draco was giving her. "Is that those creatures that pull the carriages most students and professors can't see."

Cy nodded, "They look scary.".

"Yes they do, but I promise that they are super nice," Luna said. While Cyrus had made his way onto his brothers lap.

"Why can't Dray see them?" The boy asked, after a minute of silence.

Luna, who seemed to understand that this was not her place to say, gave Draco a look. Draco nodded at her while looking down at his brother.

"I'll tell you once we get to the castle." Draco said, knowing it will probably be better for him to talk about with his godfather present.

~small timeskip~

"See ya later," Draco said, while exiting the carriage.

Luna smiled, waving goodbye to the Malfoy brothers as she made her way to the Great Hall. While the brothers, mainly Draco due to having his brother in his arms, went to the other direction towards their new home for the school year.

Once arriving at the portrait of Mr. Preston, Draco had Cyrus say the password. Toothless. Regulus greeted the two once the door closed.

"Hello boys, how was the ride in?" Regulus asked.

"It was fine, thankfully this one fell asleep for almost the whole ride," Draco said, while putting his brother down.

"Sunshine, did you like the train?" Regulus asked, while kneeling down next to the younger, who in response just nodded.

"Can I go play?" He asked, after a minute.

"Go ahead," Draco said.

"Dray, come play with me?" The younger asked while getting up.

Draco nodded his head yes, while telling his brother to wait a minute.

"So, I'm assuming you two won't be coming down to the great hall?" Regulus asked while getting himself ready to head down.

"Yeah, Apollo and Sirius also is coming up. But then he and Remus will be leaving right after the shorting." Draco told his cousin, who just nodded while leaving.

After a few minutes Apollo and Sirius arrived and began eating dinner with the Malfoy boys.

"So Cy," Apollo said, "are you excited to meet Willow tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I get to be a big brother!" Cyrus shouted.

You see ever since Cyrus found out about the Lupin's adopting Willow, Cyrus loved the idea that he was going to be a big brother alongside Apollo of course.

"Both you and Apollo are going to be the best big brothers." Draco said.

"Well I'll best get going," Sirius said, while getting up, "I'll owl both of you, once we pick her up."

With that Sirius, using the fireplace, went to St. Mungos to pick up his daughter.


A/N: Short chapter for this week, but it's whatever. I want to say I got the idea to have Remus and Sirius adopt another child, Willow, who I'll be going more in depth in next week's chapter. But here's the info I have already; she's about 4 months younger and will be 4 years old, she looks more like Sirius, and lastly she will be attending the same school as Apollo and Diana. 

Cyrus Malfoy||Draco Malfoy's Little BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now