Chapter 10: Nightmares, Reading, & Trains

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Italics; speaking in french, unless otherwise stated (such as flashbacks)

It was the next day, August 31st, and Draco had just put his brother to bed and was heading into the library where his cousin/godfather was.

"Dragon. How did it go?" Regulus asked, not looking up from his book. 

"Easier than most nights. I think he just want tomorrow to come faster, it's his first time on the train." Draco said, packing up his school books.  

Regulus just nodded. The room remained quiet with the only sound being from the fireplace, the turning of a book page, and the moving around of books. After an hour, Draco had gotten all his books packed and went upstairs to his room.

Since living at 12 Grimmauld Place, Draco had gotten use to the smaller space compared to his life at the manor. Cyrus loved how there was a door that opened up into his brothers room, unlike how back at the manor there was a couple of rooms between the two. 

Once Draco finished his night routine, he got into bed and continue to read his book (A/N: Draco is reading A Good Girls Guide to Murder series by Holly Jackson, I 100% recommended reading it). Draco wasn't sure how much time had passed, but he saw/heard his bedroom door open. Thinking it was his cousin telling him to go to bed he said, quietly "I'm going to bed.". But after not getting a response, he looked up from his book and saw a teary and puffy eyed Cyrus Malfoy, with his Toothless stuff dragon in one hand with the other holding the door knob. 

After locking eyes with his older brother, Cyrus closed the door and ran towards the bed. Draco got out of bed kneeling down towards his brother, who just ran into his brother. "Bad dream bubs?" 

The younger just nodded his head. "It was about Mummy and Daddy." He whispered after a few moments. 

Draco, who kept a straight face, picked up his brother and brought him into his bed. Theses nightmares weren't uncommon. Cyrus would usually have them at least once or twice a week. But after the event happened it was almost every single night he would have the same nightmare and each time Draco or Regulus would be awoken with the boy screaming for Draco, Mummy, or Daddy. 

Once Draco was in bed with his brother he asked him, the same question every time he had the nightmare, "Wanna talk about Cy?". 

Most nights Cyrus didn't want to talk about what he saw, and that's the same answer he gave tonight. But Draco knows very well that the dream constant of his brother seeing a bright green flash coming from the wand of a cloaked figure, then he saw his parents laying on the floor in the library. This then results in Cyrus usually screaming himself awakes, but it seems like more recently he just wakes up and goes into either Regulus's or Draco's bed, the latter being the more common.  

Draco, knowing not to force an answer out of the boy, nodded "How about I read you a story?"

Even though, Draco or Regulus read to him every night before bed it was always nice when he got more than one book, before bed. So he nodded up at his brother then pointed to the book Draco had placed on the bed. 

Draco looked over at where Cyrus was pointing. He raised one eyebrow and looked down at his brother, "You sure," He asked, "I don't think you'll like this book." Draco while saying this placed his book back on his nightstand while grabbing a chapter book, that was more age appropriate for his brother. "How about we read this?" 

Cyrus looked over at the book, but stayed silent. Draco let him be, knowing that after one of Cyrus's nightmare to allow him time to answer. "Only if you change your voice." His brother stated. 

Draco smiled at his brother, as he made his way more into Draco's side, "Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl,". Draco started off in his normal voice as the narrator. In the end he did the voices for Mr. and Mrs. Fox,  and the three farmers. With Cyrus doing a voice here and there. 

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