Chapter 6: The Lupins

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A/N: I decide to make Regulus, Cyrus's godfather instead of Snape. So on full moons, Regulus is the professor for DADA and in this chapter we get to meet him & Wolfstar. Also didn't realize until I finished & published the last chapter, that DADA was before potions but let's just change it to after.

Italics; speaking in French

To Draco's and almost everyone's shock, besides Apollo's, instead of their DADA professor it was Coach Black. Coach Black, aka Regulus Black, was standing at the front of the room. The second that Cy saw his godfather he began making grabby hands towards him, due to being in Draco's arms, so instead of taking their usual seats in the back of the class the Maloy's, and Lupin went towards the front.

"'Eggie," The younger Malfoy repeated the closer the trio got to the front. Regulus, who had just 'taught' a group of 1st years that had taken advantage of Professor Lupin beginning gone, had a rare Black smile on his face.

"My little sun," he said while bending down to pick up his godson, who Draco had let down. After settling the boy on his hip Regulus made his way over to the older boy's, "While isn't it my little wolf club, and of course my Dragon."

After hearing their childhood nicknames, the two blushed a bright red. "Reg, how many times do I have to tell you stop calling me that," Apollo spoke up after a moment.

"Sorry, but how could I resist." Regulus responded.

"Well," Apollo said, his voice becoming a whisper, "just don't say it in front of the class.". At this the younger Black brother nodded, and also gave Cy back to Draco.

After about an hour, Draco was done with school. Instead of heading back to his flat, the Malfoys, Apollo, and Black headed towards the Lupin's flat.

Lupin's Flat

While in the hall, leading towards the flat, the group noticed Harry Potter leaving the flat. Due to basically growing up with each other Malfoy gave Potter a nod, while the younger waved to the boy, in return Harry gave them a small smile. After entering the flat, in which they saw Sirius Black sitting in the living room and Remus just waking up.

While Sirius was making tea and some warm vanilla milk. Regulus, was informing the werewolf about what had happened today in his class and also what was Remus's plans for the next day, while said professor was holding the toddler in his lap. Once Sirius entering the room, said toddler shouted from his place, "BABA! BABA!".

Sirius smiled at the toddler while giving him his said bottle. At some point, during tea time, the toddler had fallen asleep on the DADA professor's lap. Draco knew that at any slight movement his brother would wake up, so instead he replaced the bottle with a pacifier and placed his Toothless plushie in his arms.

After finishing their tea Draco and Apollo, went into the study to work on some homework before dinner. That left the three males with the younger Malfoy, who has now laying his whole body over the werewolves sore legs.

"Reg, can you please get your godson off my legs!" Remus whispered shouted.

Of course, being skilled in moving the toddler, said Black removed the toddler and placed him on his own lap. "Are we all going down for dinner or just me and the kids?" Regulus asked, after the minute of silence.

"I'm not sure yet, matters how the legs feelin'," Remus said while holding up said leg. "But, if not Pads will go down and bring me up somethin'."

Regulus just nodded, while his brother had went too the balcony for a smoke.


A/N: This chapter is a little sort but its whatever. 

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