Chapter 3: Home Life

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Once Draco and Cyrus entered the room, which actual turned out to be a small flat, Snape said a few words, "If you don't want to come down to the Great Hall for meals then you could either make yourself or call one of the house elves. Also i'll except to see you before dinner." and with that Snape left.

Draco took his brother's suitcase and resized it to its original size. And walked down the hall to find his and his brother rooms. The hall had 3 doors, 1 on the right size and two on the left, the first door was a bathroom. Complete with both a shower and tub, thankfully they were separated, the door next to the bathroom looked to be Draco's. It looked just like his dorm room, but a tad bit bigger, without his two roommates beds. The last door, across from Draco's, was a nursery/playroom that looked exactly like Cyrus's back at the manor.

"Cy Cy, look this is your room," Draco said, feeling comfortable using his nickname for Cyrus.

"Woom? Pway?" Cyrus asked, looking confused why there were toys in the nursery. Toys weren't allowed in the nursery but in the playroom.

Draco chuckled, while ruffling his brother's hair, and walked out of the room. Draco was able to get a better look at the living room, there was a couch, a small coffee table in front of it, on the far wall there was a bookshelf, filled with both toddler and young adult books. He also saw a door that led out to a small balcony, "Just like the flats in London", Draco thought to himself. The kitchen was small, thankfully Narcissa had force Draco to join her for her cooking classes, so he knew how to use a kitchen pretty well.

As Draco was surveying the space he felt Cyrus wiggling, trying but failing to break free. Draco just put his brother on the floor, right when his feet touch the ground Cyrus was off, more like toddling, towards his suitcase. Draco followed with his eyes, after about 2 minutes of Cyrus let out a whine.

"Dwaco," The toddler whined, "No open."

Before the toddler could have a full blown meltdown Draco ran towards his brother. After opening the bag, Draco called for a house elf, Winky, to come and unpack the bag.

"Dwagon, GRRR!" Cyrus yelled while pulling out his stuff dragon, Toothless. "Pway dwagon?" He asked his brother after he was done helping Winky. Draco sat back down and nodded his head.

The boys played with Cyrus's collection of stuff dragons, 4 in total, for around an hour before Cy let out a yawn, "Weepy," The toddler said in the between his yawns.

Draco then looked at his watch, 2:45pm, and noticed that it was almost time for Cyrus to be put down for his afternoon nap. "Come on bub's, let's get you change," and with that Draco picked up his brother, who had slipped his thumb into his mouth, and went to the nursery.

After Draco changed Cyrus's nappy and put him in some footie pajamas, with little golden snitches on them, he brought Cyrus to the living room, "Cy Cy, while I got make your bottle how 'bout you pick out a book for me to read to you?" he said whilst placing his brother in front of the bookshelf. Cyrus, who had a pacifier in his mouth, just nodded.

~Time Skip~

Draco had just finished putting down Cyrus for his nap. When Snape's owl pecked at the balcony window, once Draco opened the window the owl undid the letter, of course his godfather would train the bird to do that, and left. Draco decided to go to his bedroom, which had a small desk, to read the letter and hopefully write back.

The letter was simple. The letter had basically said the same thing Snape had said when he first dropped off the Malfoy's at their room, but the only change was that he had updated/told Lupin, Goyle, and Zabini about Draco's new room. Which Draco had asked him to do. Another unlikely thing was for Snape to say, "Draco, no need to write me back. Also you have been excused from your lessons for the rest of the week."

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